Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Fyodor Dostoevsky s Crime And Punishment

Tyler Bui Mr. Favero/Mr. Sanchez English/World History 19 October 2017 Culture of Russia Everywhere in the world all countries go through different cultural changes, and Russia during the 19th century was no exception. Many cultural changing reforms were passed during Alexander the Seconds rule. The reforms impacted not only the culture of the time, but also the writing of many authors. Fyodor Dostoevsky was one of those authors. His book Crime and Punishment describes how life was like in the lower classes. The culture of Russia during the years 1855 to 1881 was shaped by its tsarist autocracy while the literature of Fyodor Dostoevsky evinces its cultural connection. Alex II established type of government was a monarchy. In a monarchy,†¦show more content†¦Along with the lack of land, water rights were nonexistent which kept the wealthy in a technical form of power. Since the wealthy still controlled the water, they could threaten to restrict water access and force the serfs to work once more. Another important reform was started by the emancipation of the serf s; was the formation of the zemstvos. Since Russia was very large there wasn’t much control away from the capital, and with the all newly freed serfs the rules and authority had to be stricter . So, Alexander developed the zemstvo which were implemented within each province and district. This reform took care of the newly freed serfs by providing for their basic needs. Which helped the freed serfs with their basic needs ranging from health to education. Before the creation of the zemstvos the entire judicial system was controlled by the Russian government. The accused were rarely given a fair trial. After the formation of the zemstvos â€Å"The judiciary became an independent branch of government and a single unified system†(Smitha). The government couldn’t wield court decisions as it pleased anymore. The judicial branch was officially independent from the rest of the Russian government, which gave the accused a fair trial. Dostoevsky’s book Crime and Punishment was writtenShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Care : An Argument Against Mill s Utilitarianism922 Words   |  4 PagesIn Support of Held’s Ethics of Care: An Argument Against Mill’s Utilitarianism in Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky This ethics study will define the problem of utilitarianism in the â€Å"ethics of care proposed by Virginia Held (2006) within the literary context of Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Held (2006) defines the problem of utilitarian ethics as an abstraction of emotions in moral issues, which alienates the individual in the care process. This method denies the premiseRead MoreLife Is Like A Beach And Its Sand1314 Words   |  6 Pagesthroughout history and will continue to do so until our race is extinct. 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