Friday, May 31, 2019
Biographical References in and Hemingways Male Characters Essay
Throughout the Nick Adams and other(a) stories featuring dominant male figures, Ernest Hemingway teases the reader by drawing biographical parallels to his own life. That is, he uses characters such as Nick Adams throughout many of his literary works in order to fly the coop off of his own strengths as well as weaknesses Nick, like Hemingway, is perceptive and bright but also insecure. Nick Adams as well as other significant male characters, such as Frederick Henry in A Farewell to Arms and Jake Barnes in The Sun Also Rises personifies Hemingway in a straight manner. Initially, the Hemingway character appears to be impressionable, but he evolves into an isolated individual. Hemingway, due to an unusual childhood and possible post traumatic injuries received from battle invariably caused a necessary evolution in his writing shown through his characterization. The author once said, Dont look at me. Look at my words (154).Hemingway ceaselessly draws parallels to his life with his characters and stories. One blatant connection is with the short story, Indian Camp, in which an Indian baby is born and its father dies. As Nick is Hemingways primaeval persona, the story revolves around his journey across a lake to an Indian village. In this story, Nick is a teenager watching his father practice as a doctor in an Indian village near their summer home. In one particularly important moment, Hemingway portrays the father as cool and collected, which is a tender contrast to the Native American squaws husband, who commits suicide during his wifes difficult caesarian pregnancy. In the story, which reveals Hemingways fascination with suicide, Nick asks his father, Why did he kill himself, daddy? Nicks father responds I dont kno... ...York Cambridge UP, 1996. 21-51Berman, Ron. Hemingways Michigan Landscapes. The Hemingway Review 27.1 (2007) 39-44.Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms. New York, Scribner 1929 In Our Time. Indian Camp . New York, Scribner 1925Meyers, Jeffrey. Hemingway. New York Da Capo, 1999. Reynolds, Michael. The Young Hemingway. Chicago Norton Pub, 1937.Stewart, Matthew C. Ernest Hemingway and World War I Combatting Recent Psychobiographical Reassessments, Restoring the War. Papers on Language & Literature 36.2 (2000) 198-221.Tyler, Lisa. Dangerous Families and national Harm in Hemingways Indian Camp Texas Studies in Literature and Language 48.1 (2006) 37-53.Waldhorn, Arthur. Ernest Hemingway A Collection of Criticism (Contemporary Studies in Literature). Chicago Syracuse University Press, 1978.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
President Bill Clintons Impeachment :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays
Clintons ImpeachmentA fake. A liar. A cheat. Is this what should be said about the chairperson? He has committed perjury, hinder justice, and continues to lie to America about his actions. Bill Clinton is an embarrassment to America and should be impeached. How rear end his actions be explained to the children? Can parents tell their children that the leader of the free world is a liar, a cheat, and a pervert? Impeachment out of office or resignation would be the best for the country. The President has been dodging everything that has been thrown at him, it is about era he is pinned with something and this affair is the best opportunity. Taking him out of office is necessary and this can not be a better time for the impeachment to take place. done the history of America there have been many impeachments but never a full impeachment for a president. The closest ever was Andrew Jackson who was impeached by the offer but not by the senate (O,Brien 973). Clinton went thr ough the same that he did being impeached by the house but not the senate. Andrew Jackson was impeached for high crimes against the United States. Clinton has committed several high crimes yet he is not going to be impeached. He has been given to many chances and forgiven too many times. A person can only be given so many chances before a stop has to be put on it. This is the best time to stop the be and cheating going on in the White House.The point that he is the President of the United States should not give the President any leeway whatsoever. The President has engaged in conduct that is against his constitutional duty to execute the laws (Starr). The President committed the crimes and just like any other common criminal he should have to pay for what he has done. If a doctor or a teacher participated in sexual activities with a patient or student would he or she not be forced to resign or be fired? How is the Presidents case different from this except for the fact that he is the President and he has also committed other crimes besides having sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky? All men are created equal isnt that what the constitution says, why is the Presidents case so different.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Decision Making at the Executive Level Essay -- Business Management Pa
Decision Making at the Executive LevelThe focus of my term paper is the finding making execute employ by todays top-level managers. Top-level managers, such as Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Chief Operations Officers (COOs), and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), must make critical decisions on a occasional basis. Their choices and the resulting outcomes affect the company, the employees, and the stakeholders. Due to the high importance of their decisions, the attend they use to reach them merits a close examination.A sketch published in the winter 1997 ledger of Business Strategy Review suggests the major factor in a decisions success is the decision process itself. The study, by Paul Nutt, suggests that poor decision making processes cost North American businesses billions of dollars each year. The study also proposes that most managers dont realize the importance of the process, and its effect on the success of the decision. Before analyzing the decision process in de pth, the measurement of success must be established. Nutt used two broad measures to determine the success of decisions made. First, was the decision implemented fully. Second, was the decision still strong two years after implementation. Based on these measures, only half of the decisions in the study were considered successful. Nutt concluded that much time and money was therefore pinched on these unsuccessful decisions. So during what part of the decision making process did these top-level managers go wrong? In general, many managers much rush to a decision and stick by it, even when it continues to fail. Another cause of unsuccessful decisions is that the managers did not include those most affected by the outcome in the decision mak... ...n decisions, often increasing the chance of success. Unfortunately, most executives dont use this strategy in their decision process. Executives often rush to decisions in order to remove the feeling of uncertainty by not coming to a decision. This impulsive strategy fails because the decision maker does not include enough key people in the decision process itself. If managers would be more confident and take the time to properly assess the decisions they face, the success rate would increase and therefore save much time and money.Bibliography whole kit and caboodle Cited1.Kroll, Karen M., Costly omission, Industry Week, July 8, 1998, p 20.2.Information Access Company, Avoiding stupid management moves, American Printer, March 1997, v218 n6, p 94.3.Nutt, Paul, Better decision-making a field study, Business Strategy Review, Winter 1997, v8, pp 45-53.
Croce :: Design and Technology
CroceIntuition, Expression and CommunicationBA 3D Design.Benedetto Croce (1866-1952) perhaps the most important philosopher ofthe twentieth speed of light lived most of his life in Naples born in theAbruzzi hills a elder son of an ancient and wealthy Neapolitan familywas for decades Italys exemplar of the indispensable splice betweenintellect and conscience, a philosopher, historian, and critic hisapproach is one usually termed neo-idealist his aesthetic derivesprincipally from earlier idealist G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) andGiambatista Vico (1668-1774).Croces possibly best-known give way was published in 1902 Philosophy ofthe spirit which was divided into four parts Aesthetic as the intuitionof Expression and general Linguistics, Logic as the perception of PureConcept, Philosophy of the Practical, and History Its Theory andPractice But my main concern is with Estetica come scienza dellespressione e linguistica generale or Aesthetic as the Science ofExpression and General Linguisti cs within his analysis he statesthat intuition is only intuition in as far as it is, in that very(prenominal)act, saying. In former(a) words he argues that intuition is one andthe same as expression what he means by this is all true examplesof intuition are in fact examples of expression, and all genuineexamples of expression are examples of intuition one is a complex offeeling and thought, while the other is the image that derives from itbut for Croce they are the interior and exterior views of the samething. Plausibly, we cannot have an intuition without an equivalentexpression in other terms that is like public lecture about a piece of artwork or sculpture inside us that we are incapable of expressing inform. Although people do speak that way from time to time, of course,but others are entitled to doubt whether the art piece is really thereinside the person or not. The reason we may think we have intuitionsthat we cannot express is that most of our intuitions like ourmemori es are cloudy and vague, when we come to actualize them werealize this and put the fault down to poor technique or skill. Whatdistinguishes artists from the in delicious and the rest of us thatartists intuitions have become much clearer than ours and have alsobecome much clearer still in the process of expression within theirart work itself.But he does make a distinction between expression and communicationthe third factor in the artistic process which in itself is quiteunimportant. Croce argues that expression does not basically involvecommunication. A person can have an intuition in their head and it leave alone count as a genuine expression even if they never try to
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essays --
Photography involves using a camera to capture stunning images. Photographers are the one that takes those images. These images can range from diametrical animals, plants, people, events, places, or just about anything else you can see. There are many kinds of lensmans each focusing on a certain area of photography. For example a portrait photographer takes professional photographs of individuals or a group of people and usually work in their own studio while nature photographer takes pictures of all aspects of nature including plants and animals and usually work outdoors.A photographer main job is taking pictures but they also have many other responsibilities leading to it depending on what kind of photographer they are.Their responsibilities usually includes talking to clients about a job, research and selecting sites for shoots, working with other professional to take the best images possible such as a lighting director, prepare for shoot such as arranging still life products,pro ps,objects,editing and fixing up image they took, keeping updated on refreshing method and technology in th...
Essays --
Photography involves using a camera to capture stunning images. Photographers are the one that takes those images. These images can range from different animals, plants, people, events, places, or just about anything else you can see. There are many grades of photographers each focusing on a certain area of photography. For example a personation photographer takes professional photographs of individuals or a group of people and usu whollyy work in their own studio while nature photographer takes pictures of all aspects of nature including plants and animals and usually work outdoors.A photographer main job is taking pictures but they also have many other responsibilities leading to it depending on what kind of photographer they are.Their responsibilities usually includes talking to clients about a job, research and selecting sites for shoots, working with other professional to take the best images possible such as a lighting director, prepare for shoot such as arranging still life products,props,objects,editing and fixing up image they took, keeping updated on new order and technology in th...
Monday, May 27, 2019
New Industries in the Caribbean Essay
Caribbean economies from their earliest periods of colonization were essentially agrarian based (during slavery). Economical activities included livestock farming and small farming make by the peasants. there were in like manner trading and telephone circuit which included the establishment of shops, inns and taverns. Large plantations were worked by a mass of slaves with the premier crop being lucre Cane. When the colonizers premiere came to the West Indies they mainly grew crops such as coffee, cotton, ginger, banana and choco modern mainly for export. until now during the second half of the 18th centimeury, these crops lost their comparative receipts to sugar. When sugar experienced its depression the planters relaxed their stronghold over control of the inflict and some estate workers turned their attention to the peasant sector and other industries. red-hot INDUSTRIES By the beginning of the twentieth century, the peasantry had begun to play a very important role in the diversification of the West Indian economies. The Royal Commissions before the Norman Commission, and the Norman Commissions had made recommendations for the development of the peasantry (Curtis p 32).Many of the export crops recommended by the Norman Commission were already being cultivated by the peasantry. For these crops to concur greater success, the peasantry would need capital for greater investment. But this capital was not forthcoming. This was due to the fact that they had limited capital, occupied small p corporations of basis because they were charged a lot for these lands. Additionally the peasants cannot produce at subsistence level. The black peasantry in particularly faced a number of obstacles which included the increase in land p sifts, eviction from lands, refusal to subdivide and sell lands and also heavy taxations.The planters most of the times sold great(p) pieces of lands for lower cost to the whites in comparison to the ex-slaves. Rice, which had been cultivated earlier as a subsistence crop in Guyana began to assume importance as a cash crop in the late nineteenth century. The abandonment of sugar cultivation on some estates made more land available, as did the opening up of riverain crown lands in 1898 on what for some were manageable terms of purchase. By 1900 government interest was being channeled through the board of agriculture ith conducted experiments in different rice varieties and supplied seed to the growers. A more objective was to develop a uniform grain size to reduce wastage in the milling process and by 1908 this had been substantially achieved. All of this stimulated further working out so that, whereas in 1891 the land under rice amounted to only 4000 acres, there was a tenfold increase in the following two decades, and by 1917 for every ten acres position in sugar, Guyana, eight acres were planted in rice.Expanding rice acreage was accompanied by the mushrooming of small mils. In 1914 there were 86 of the m in existence. They were just elaborate structures but they were linked to the large mercantile firms in the capital and they controlled growers in the villages through a system of advances. Many of the millers, like galore(postnominal) large rice growers were Indians who employed Indian labour, and the evidence suggests that ethnicity hardly guaranteed favourble treatment. In 1905 it was exporting to the Caribbean. Rice enjoyed considerable prosperity during the first war.In the inter-war period alternative sources of add on to the Caribbean market dried up and this provided the main basis for the steady expanding upon of the effort in Guyana. Guyana is by far the most important producer of rice in the Commonwealth Caribbean. There were about 20 thousand peasant farmers in 1952 by 1965 their numbers were believed to have more than doubled, reaching 45 thousand. There were 222 rice mills in 1960 and 199 in 1970. All were privately possess, except two which were owned and opera ted by the Rice Development Company.Bananas were first introduced into Jamaica in 1516. However the first exports took place in 1869 afterwards the depression of sugar. As the industry flourished American companies came in to handle the trade as the peasants supplied bananas to a US Boston banana trader Lorenzo Dow Baker. Boston Fruit Company later formed to trade in Bananas with Caribbean and Central America which later became the United Fruit Company UFCo. By 1890 the value of Banana exports exceeded that of sugar and rum, and it retained this position except for a few years until the Second origination War.By 1937 Jamaica provided twice as many stems as any other country in the world. It thus became a plantation crop-corporations and large entrepreneurs. Banana soon became the principal exports from Jamaica, and Windward Island. Trading partners also changed-Destination was now USA. During the war the industry declined because the ships could not be spared to transport the prod uct. By the beginning of the nineteenth century coffee was also an important crop in Jamaica (The Banana production was done mainly by the Middle section mulattoes).During the depression sugar farmers in Trinidad turned their attention to cocoa which was the first study export of the island, and by 1900 it had become the major export once again. It retained this position until 1921 when Ghanaian cocoa began to swamp the world market. During that time too cocoa was also an important crop in St. Lucia, St. Kitts and St. Vincent. In the 1930s citrus, which had been cultivated in the stricken cocoa areas became important. So too did Pineapples in the 19th century. comparatively small scale farmers earned cash for production of bananas, coffee, cocoa and pimento for exports.They also produced tubers, fruits and vegetables for domestic markets. A substantial part of small farming was for subsistence with relatively small surpluses for sale. Bauxite, tourism and urban-based manufacturin g and assists replaced export agriculture as the dominant sectors of the economy in the post-war era, as the British West Indies pursued a create mentally of industrialization-by-invitation The mineral resources which include bauxite, aluminum, gold et cetera have been developed by foreign capital and for the export market, to a much(prenominal) greater extent than the main inelegant products.In Guyana the American-owned Bauxite industry shipped its first load of ore in 1922. Expansion was steady throughout the inter-war period but it was not until the second war that bauxite became an important coerce in the economy. The Jamaican bauxite industry was developed by American companies after the second war. Demand for aluminum by the United States military and space programmes and by the automobile and other consumer goods industries created a lucrative market for bauxite and aluminum. As of such in 1957 Jamaica became the worlds leading bauxite producer and the main U. S. supplie r.The U. S. dollar gain from this new export financed the import of capital goods manufacturing industries that were set up to produce for the growing domestic and regional markets. The investment cycle of the multinational bauxite excavation companies began surpass offs as the decade of the 1960s drew to a close. Bauxite and aluminum thus replaced sugar and bananas as the leading export product after the Second World War. In 1964 Jamaican bauxite industry had over 800 registered manufacturing establishments including a cement factory, cigarette factories, breweries and bottling plants, extiles, clothing factories and plant producing soap, margarine and edible oil. In February 1967 an agreement was announced amongst the Jamaican government and an American metal-fabrication company to erect an aluminum plant in Jamaica. The oil industry in Trinidad and Tobago is the oldest mineral industry in the common-wealth Caribbean. The first successful well dates back to 1857 but it was no t until the first decade of this century that the industry was established. By 1909 the country was exporting oil and by 1919 cinque refineries were in operation.The industry is largely owned and controlled by foreigners. The production of crude oil is mainly in the hands of four companies-Texaco, Shell, Trinidad sexual unionern Area owned by Trinidad Tesoro, Shell and Texaco as equal partners. However by 1980 the government had purchased all foreign operations except Amoco. The tourist industry was developed after the Second World War, and this two is foreign owned and controlled. This industry is an offshoot of the banana and bauxite industry especially in Jamaica.The establishment and development of the tourist industry were facilitated by incentive legislation and special institutions. Jamaica passed the Hotels Aid Law, 1944, granting accelerated depreciation allowances and duty-free importation of materials for the construction and furnishing of hotels, and the Hotel Incentiv es Law, 1968, granting tax holidays and other concessions. The Hotel Aids Act passed in Barbados in 1967 allows duty free importation of building materials and equipment and grants a tax holiday of ten years.And all three territories set up Tourists Boards to promote and service the industry. As in the other generating sectors of the economies, there is a large proportion of foreign ownership in the tourist industry. In 1971 thirty-five per cent of the hotels in Jamaica were wholly foreign owned, 56 per cent wholly locally owned and 9 per cent joint ventures. Foreign ownership was more pronounced in Barbados. Foreigners owned 61 per cent of the capacity there 33 per cent was owned by nationals of the United Kingdom. 16 per cent by Canadians and 12 per cent by Americans.Barbadians owned 34 per cent, and 5 per cent was jointly owned. Local ownership was dominant (80 per cent) among the littler establishments which provided 25 per cent of the total capacity. Trade and commerce was also taking place in many places in the British West Indies as well. According to Beckles and Shepherd (1993) export trade in the British Islands showed in a number of the units spectacular increases to the peak of prosperity between 1929 and 1940. British Guiana traded with Europe and North America, commodities such as sugar cane, coffee and fruits.Trinidad exported petroleum products such as oil to places such as North America and the United Kingdom. Jamaica too traded tropical fruits, sugar cane, coffee, cocoa and other commodities with Europe and North America. In the late 1950s, Jamaica became the biggest supplier of bauxite to the United States. RACE The Indians are concentrated mainly on the sugar estates while the Africans are concentrated in the villages and the towns. The Africans have always been more mobile geographically and socially and the chief supporters of the urbanization movement.They provide the overwhelming majority of the labour force in the bauxite industry and mining camps in the interior of Guyana, and the petroleum industry in Trinidad, and the bulk of the factory and service workers in both countries. Until the 1950s they occupied a somewhat noncompetitive position in the white-collar and professional positions. The Indians supply the bulk of the field sugar workers and also the rice producers in Guyana. -Europeans owned most of the wealth-producing assets in the compound economy.The indigenous Ihere, imported labour populations were allowed to engage in small-scale peasant farming on the fringes of large white-owned plantations but mainly relegated to providing cheap labour for the white settlers in the expanding corporate economy. Where this posed problems, intermediary racial roots (Chinese, Indians, etc. ) were brought in to fill the gaps in labour supply. As export staples increased the wealth base of the colonial economy and as some diversification into minerals, tourism and manufacturing increased that wealth base further, co mmerce and services expanded.This opened up opportunities for small-scale capital and smaller entrepreneurial firms to operate alongside the large white-controlled corporations. (Thompson p 244). In Jamaica, this intermediate minority group comprised immigrant white ethnics like the Lebanese and Jews (who joined a much older community of Jamaican Jews dating back to the period of colonization and settlement) and the Chinese, whose f number and middle echelons, occupying a shopkeeper niche, secured for the group the real and/or emblematical function of social whites.A racially mixed brown middle class also formed a component of this minority, intermediary ethnic group. The traditional white planter class was displaced both by foreign corporate capital, whose interests were concentrated on sugar, and later bauxite and tourism, and the intermediary ethnic groups with whom they eventually merged. The last mentioned groups formed a domestic merchant and manufacturing sector alongside the transnational enclaves. A black rural middle class emerged on the basis of medium-sized holdings concentrating on export crops such as bananas, pimento, coffee and citrus.They comprised a tiny minority of the rural population, however, most of whom occupied a range between full-time peasants and full-time proletarians. The race related to dualism of Caribbean economy was classically exhibited in the division between the (TNC or Jamaica-white-owned) plantation and (black) peasant economies of rural Jamaica. In 1938, this division was reflected in a tenure system which concentrated over fifty per cent of agricultural land into some 800 holdings and left nearly 100,000 poor peasants and their families with twelve per cent of the land* (Post, 1981 2-3).In addition, the black peasant economy was itself internally stratified, partly along the lines of the division between export production and domestic food crop production, which was itself related to size of holding. In addition, th ere were roughly 80,000 households at the lower margins of the peasantry with an average of a quarter of an acre each. .A significant bureaucratic and professional black middle class emerged, but Blacks failed to challenge the entrenched economic positions of the intermediary-ethnic elites.In the meantime, economic frustration and disfranchisement led large numbers of peasant and working class Blacks to participate in a massive outward migration to Britain and a large-scale exodus from rural to urban areas, which translated rural poverty into urban ghettoes and urban poverty (ibid. 252). In the late 1960s and early 1970s, many ethnic elites from the BWI began migrating abroad. This created unanticipated and unexpected new openings for black entry into the entrepreneurial class and facilitated large-scale entry of Blacks into the middle and upper levels of private sector management (ibid 254).Blacks became well established within the corporate managerial elite and gained a foothold in many sectors of the economy manufacturing, construction, business services, tourism, commerce and agriculture alongside the still dominant minority ethnic groups. Their enterprises tended to be smaller, but a few were large. Other developments were the growth of import-trade higglering, which represented an expansion and in some cases a very lucrative enhancement of a traditional female working class role. The big corporate sector enterprises in insurance, banking, distribution, manufacturing, hotels and services remained under the predominant ownership of the economically dominant minority Jews, Whites, Lebanese and Browns. Indeed, migration of some of the less important families appears to have facilitated a consolidation and expansion of corporate ownership among the biggest capitalist families.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
ââ¬ÅMuggedââ¬Â By: Jim Crocket : Reader Response Essay
In the essay Mugged by Jim Crockett he talks rough his relationship with his coffee mug. This essay is about building relationships and how almost everyone has something they cling to. In the beginning he makes it sound like he was mugged by some people and lost all his money, only that wasnt the case, he lost something more valuable to him, his coffee mug. Jim thinks he has an addiction to coffee itself, but in reality its with the coffee mug. People neer see him without his coffee mug, and Jim always knows where its at, wether its on the table, or in his hand. I believe that even though Jim Crockett is attached to his coffee mug, everyone has some sort of fastening to something. I believe Jim Crockett has a somewhat unhealthy attachment to his coffee mug. By reading his essay the reader can infer several things. He seems to be somewhat desperate to control the details of his life. It would seem that Jim Crockett does not currently have any type of meaningful relationship with a hearty other or his piers.The way he speaks of his mug its shape, curvaceous, tapered, slim-waisted, and a bit heavier on topseems to suggest that the coffee mug serves as a foster for female companionship. Jim Crocketts denial of his attachment to his coffee mug and his justification of his actions as addiction to caffeine seem to be a defense mechanism. small-arm a seemingly superficial object to most people the coffee represents a constant presence in Jim Crocketts life. The reader can alike assume that Jim Crockett is also environmentally conscious. He speaks of organically, shade-grown coffee and the paper cup and insulating sleeve, both little bits of tree stay in the store. Jim Crockett shows a very dual-lane personality.While somewhat concerned what his peers seem to think of his supposed coffee addiction he is almost oblivious to stopping traffic to pick up his coffee mug that he left on his bumper. It would also seem that Jim Crockett is somewhat apposed to a big busi ness and corporations based on his jobs as a spanish instructor, some writer, farmer, and carpenter all decidedly, independent professions as well as his mentioning of the earth/human pillaging multinational cartel. While Jim Crockett seems to have a rather unhealthy fixation to his coffee mug we all have attachments to some inanimate object. I can relate to his attachment because as a child I received a blanket, it still gives me a sense of security and well being. It would seem that there is a fine line surrounded by
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Identifying a Constituent of ââ¬ÅPanacetinââ¬Â Essay
The Consulting Chemists Institute has been asked to analyze the medicine preparation of Aspirin to find out what percentages of aspirin, sucrose, and drug preparation. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the unknown component of panacetin. Panacetin contains aspirin, sucrose, and an unknown component. Dichloromate reacts with Panacetin to produce the sucrose as an insoluble solid. Aspirin is removed from the solution by reacting with atomic number 11 bicarbonate. The aqueous layer reacts with hydrochloric acid, the unknown component can then be isolated by evaporating the solvent from the dichloromethane solution.Observations and DataAspirin reacted with Sodium hydrogen carbonate to form salt, sodium acetylsalicylate. The reaction caused fizzing and gas. When hydrochloric acid was added to sodium acetylsalicylate the solution bubbled, sizzled, and gave off heat. All precipitates were white.SubstanceMassPanacetin3.00gAspirin0.849gSucrose0.212g (weighed wet) unsung1.995 ( burned)Results and intelligenceThe results I got were close to the expected results. During the Isolation of the Unknown component, water splashed on our sucrose sample before we could weigh it and we burned the unknown, skewing the pluralityes. However, there could require been incomplete mixing with dichloromethane, incomplete extraction of precipitation of aspirin, incomplete drying of the recovered components, orlosses from transferring substances from one container to another.Calculations% Recovery = sum of the masses of all components/mass of panacetin started with0.212g+0.849g+1.995g/3.01g = 101%%Composition = (Amount of Component/Sum of the masses of all components)*100%Composition of Sucrose = (0.212g/3.056g)*100=6.9%%Composition of Aspirin = (0.849g/3.056g)*100= 27.8%% Composition of Unknown = (1.995g/3.056g)*100= 65.3%Experimental3.01g of Panacetin was dissolved in 50mL of dichloromethane. The mixture was put through gravity filtration. Sucrose was set aside. The filtr ate was then put through a separatory funnel and put into two 30mL portions of 5% sodium bicarbonate. 11mL of 6M hydrochloric acid was slowly added to the mixture. The mixture was cooled for ten minutes and aspirin was collected via vacuum filtration. A strain flask attached to a trap and aspirator was used to evaporate the solvent from the dichloromethane solution. All precipitates were white and crystalized.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Diamond and Graphite
In mineralogy, diamond (from the ancient Greek adamas unbreakable) is an allotrope of century, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered cubic crystal structure called a diamond lattice. Diamond is renowned as a substantive with superlative physical qualities, most of which originate from the strong covalent bonding between its atoms. In particular, diamond has the higher(prenominal)est inclemency and thermal conductivity of any bulk material. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE Diamond is less stable than plumbago, but the conversion rate from diamond to graphite is negligible at ambient conditions. Other specialized applications alike exist or are being developed, including use as semiconductors some blue diamonds are natural semiconductors, in contrast to most diamonds, which are splendiferous electrical insulators. The conductivity and blue color originate from boron impurity. Boron substitutes for carbon atoms in the diamond lattice, donating a hole in to the valence band.Substantial conductivity is usually observed in nominally undoped diamond grown by chemical vapor deposition. This conductivity is associated with hydrogen-related species adsorbed at the erupt, and it can be removed by annealing or other surface treatment HARDNESS Diamond is the to a great extentest natural material known, where hardness is defined as resistance to scratching and is graded between 1 (softest) and 10 (hardest) using the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Diamond has a hardness of 10 (hardest) on this scale.Diamonds hardness has been known since antiquity, and is the source of its name. Diamond hardness depends on its purity, crystalline perfection and orientation hardness is higher for flawless, sodding(a) crystals oriented to the direction (along the longest diagonal of the cubic diamond lattice). Therefore, whereas it might be possible to scratch some diamonds with other materials, such as boron nitride, the hardest diamonds can only be scrat ched by other diamonds and nanocrystalline diamond aggregates. The hardness of diamond contributes to its suitability as a gemstone.Because it can only be scratched by other diamonds, it maintains its polish extremely well. Unlike many other gems, it is well-suited to daily let out because of its resistance to scratchingthe hardest natural diamonds mostly originate from the Copeton and Bingara fields located in the New England area in New South Wales, Australia. These diamonds are chiefly small, perfect to semiperfect octahedra, and are used to polish other diamonds. Their hardness is associated with the crystal ontogeny form, which is single- story crystal growth.Most other diamonds show more evidence of multiple growth stages, which produce inclusions, flaws, and defect planes in the crystal lattice, all of which affect their hardness. It is possible to treat regular diamonds under a combination of high pressure and high temperature to produce diamonds that are harder than the diamonds used in hardness gauges. Somewhat related to hardness is another mechanical property toughness, which is a materials ability to resist breakage from forceful impact. The toughness of natural diamond has been measured as 2. MPam1/2, and the critical stress intensity factor is 3. 4MNm? 3/2. Those set are good compared to other gemstones, but poor compared to most engineering materials. As with any material, the macroscopic geometry of a diamond contributes to its resistance to breakage. Diamond has a cleavage plane and is therefore more fragile in some orientations than others. Diamond cutters use this attribute to cleave some stones, prior to faceting. USES The market for industrial-grade diamonds operates much differently from its gem-grade counterpart.Industrial diamonds are valued mostly for their hardness and heat conductivity, making many of the gemological characteristics of diamonds, such as clarity and color, irrelevant for most applications. This helps explain wherefore 80% of mined diamonds (equal to about 135,000,000carats (27,000 kg) annually), unsuitable for use as gemstones, are destined for industrial use. In addition to mined diamonds, synthetic diamonds found industrial applications almost immediately after their invention in the 1950s another 570,000,000carats (110,000 kg) of synthetic diamond is produced annually for industrial use.Approximately 90% of diamond grinding lynchpin is currently of synthetic origin. The boundary between gem-quality diamonds and industrial diamonds is poorly defined and partly depends on market conditions (for example, if demand for polished diamonds is high, some suitable stones will be polished into low-quality or small gemstones rather than being sold for industrial use). Within the category of industrial diamonds, there is a sub-category comprising the lowest-quality, mostly lightproof stones, which are known as bort. black lead is a black opaque solid with metallic shine.It is very soft and fee ls greasy. Greasy feeling of graphite is imputable to ease with which layers can slide one over the other in graphite. The mineral graphite is one of the allotropes of carbon. It was named by Abraham Gottlob Werner in 1789 from the Greek (graphein) to draw/ publish, for its use in pencils, where it is commonly called lead (not to be confused with the metallic element lead). Unlike diamond (another carbon allotrope), graphite is an electrical conductor, a semimetal. plumbago is the most stable form of carbon under standard conditions.Therefore, it is used in thermo chemistry as the standard state for defining the heat of governing body of carbon compounds. Graphite may be considered the highest grade of coal, just above anthracite and alternatively called meta-anthracite, although it is not normally used as fuel because it is hard to ignite. There are deuce-ace principal types of natural graphite, each occurring in different types of ore deposit 1. Crystalline flake graphite (or flake graphite for short) occurs as isolated, flat, plate-like particles with hexagonal edges if unbroken and when broken the edges can be irregular or angular 2.Amorphous graphite occurs as fine particles and is the result of thermal metamorphism of coal, the last stage of coalification, and is sometimes called meta-anthracite. Very fine flake graphite is sometimes called amorphous in the trade 3. Lump graphite ( similarly called vein graphite) occurs in fissure veins or fractures and appears as massive platy intergrowths of fibrous or acicular crystalline aggregates, and is probably hydrothermal in origin. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE Somewhat of a surprise is that at surface temperatures and pressures, Graphite is the stable form of carbon.In fact, all diamonds at or near the surface of the Earth are currently undergoing a transformation into Graphite. This reaction, fortunately, is extremely slow. Graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) are complex materials having formula XC y the in-plane electrical conductivity generally increases. HARDNESS These are the most common types of pencils, and are incase in wood. They are made of a mixture of clay and graphite and their darkness varies from light grey to black. Their composition allows for the smoothest strokes.As the name implies, these are solid sticks of graphite, USES innate(p) graphite is mostly consumed for refractories, steelmaking, expanded graphite, brake linings, foundry facings and lubricant. Graphene, which occurs naturally in graphite, has unique physical properties and might be one of the strongest substances known however, the process of separating it from graphite will require some technological development before it is economically feasible to use it in industrial processes.Graphite (carbon) fiber and carbon nanotubes are also used in carbon fiber reinforced plastics, and in heat-resistant composites such as reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC). Products made from carbon fiber graphite composites i nclude fishing rods, golf clubs, bicycle frames, and pool cue sticks and have been successfully employed in reinforced concrete. The mechanical properties of carbon fiber graphite-reinforced plastic composites and grey modeling iron are strongly influenced by the role of graphite in these materials.In this context, the term (100%) graphite is often loosely used to refer to a pure mixture of carbon reinforcement and resin, while the term composite is used for composite materials with additional ingredients. 21 Graphite has been used in at least three radar absorbent materials. It was mixed with rubber in Sumpf and Schornsteinfeger, which were used on U-boat snorkels to reduce their radar cross section. It was also used in tiles on early F-117 Nighthawks. Modern smokeless powder is coated in graphite to prevent the buildup of static charge.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Long Term vs. Short Term Focus in Communication Essay
There ar pragmatic differences between gross revenue promotion and advertizing, which marketers must watch in mind when attempting to communicate with the customers. The same case will apply when marketers attempt to communicate with customer by defining the appropriate media and non-media communications that ar aimed at driving customer interest, take on and deal upwards. Brand value does not constantly append the sale of the crop depending on the set of the product and affordability. Instead, sucker value may be more instrumental in customer retention.In the short term, discounts arrive the potential of increasing product sales, scarce in the long term, the customers perception of the product may be negative or affirmatory as they ponder everyplace why there was a discount. Primary Differences between sales promotion and advertising There are fundamental differences between sales promotion and advertising. Advertising is the form of communication via the innovation of media with the goal of persuading and making people aware of products or services.Advertising is equally a service to the target and consumers to inform them with truthful contents that are ethically generated in order for it to be accepted by the public. Advertisements are clear, truthful, tasteful, precise, original, reputable and ethical communications to the public. (Guideline Marketing, 1998). Sales promotion is the application of incentives to elicit a positive reaction by the consumer. Sales promotion gives the consumer advantages of using the product or service on promotion. Sale promotions are characterised by sponsorship, free gifts and vouchers, public assemblage of information, exhibited, educative and consultative.Therefore the fundamental difference between and advertisement and sales promotion is the on their acceptability by the consumers. (Guideline Marketing, 1998). Some media and non-media marketing communication that are typically employed to increase custom er interest, demand and sales The media marketing communication that are typically employed to increase customer interest demand and sales are digital media, print media, pod casting , narrow casting and broadcasting, posting mails, telephone marketing, among some others.( advance and integrated marketing communications, 2007) Non media marketing communication that are typically employed to increase customer interest, demand and sales are price discounts, non-media advertising, special offers, sales coupons, product and services sampling, product and service price rebates, competitions and raffles, games, product and service premium offers and counter promotions. (Promotion and integrated marketing communications, 2007) Does brand value always increase with increasing sales of the product?Not always does value always increases with increasing sale of the product. Perhaps it may help in customer retention. But in some instances, it can increase sales because more sales are a sign th at the customers are crediting the brand as well as their perceptions to the product. This has implications that more sales are solidifying the brand value as long as the product is being sold for the purpose of brand building. Brand values that have increased sales cod to high sale imply that the brand value is attractive.When the sales increase, there are signs that the customers are satisfied and are bound to make references to other over the value of the brand. (Bacak, 2006). How discounts have the potential to affect short term sales and long term brand value. Under a good marketing management, discounts have the potential of positively affective the short term sales and long term brand value depending on the perceptions of the customers on the brand following the discount. The grounds discount strategy is that the sale force is not overwhelmingly profit motivated.Instead, the priority is to create value that customer perceive as satisfactory. Most championship would create a discount to enable more consumers interact with the product or service. (Lin & Lin, 2007, p. 1-131). According to Aaker (1991), discounts will provide short term sales battle while customer benefit from the value that will be enhanced in the long term. During the time that a brand is under discount sale force, the consumers are given a chance to identify the product or service with their needs. (Lin & Lin, 2007, p. 1-131).An example of products where price discounts positive short term sales increase and long term brand value is the cosmetics. In this case the higher the discount the higher the sales as long as the brand meet is highly placed. Thus as soon as the discount is initiated, the short term sales shoot up and the consumers perception of the brand shift and this may be positive or negative. If negative, the consumer could be expecting even more price discounts in the long term. (Lin & Lin, 2007, p. 130). Conclusion This marketing communication paper has come step to the fore with very important lessons.First, in order to be successful in marketing communication, it is important to understand the fundamental differences between sale promotion and advertising so that the choice of media and non media communication can be rewarding to the marketing plan. Second, the possibility of an increasing brand value to increase sale is hinged on other factors like affordability. Finally, product price discounts have a short term effect of increased sales but a mixed effect on the brand value in the long term.Reference Aaker, D. A. (1991).Managing Brand EquityCapitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name, NY The FreePress. Bacak, M. (2006, March 18). The Benefit of Branding summation Your Sales and Promote Your Product by Building a Solid Brand. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from http//ezinearticles. com/? The-Benefit-of-Branding-Increase-Your-Sales-and-Promote-Your-Product-by-Building-a-Solid-Brand&id=163889 Guideline Marketing, (1998). Guidelines for publicity, adve rtising, practice promotion and allied marketing activities. Retrieved on April 10th, 2009, available at http//www.capelawsoc. law. za/Files%20for%20New%20Website/Guidelines/Advertising%20E. doc Lin, N. & Lin B. , (2007, August). The effects of Brand Image and Products Knowledge on Purchase Intention Moderated by Price Discounts. Journal of International Management Studies. P. 1-131. Promotion and Integrated Marketing Communications, (2007). Marketing communications. Retrieved on April 10th, 2009, available at http//www2. cob. ilstu. edu/jsattaw/MKT%20230/Lectures/Lecture%209%20%20Promotion%20and%20Integrated%20Marketing%20Communication. ppt
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Martha Stewart: Organization Ethics of Insider Trading
On December 27, 2001, Martha Stewart invent a finale that changed her life, and the decision jeopardized the livelihood of her s suckholders. Ms. Stewart accepted a call from her stockbrokers assistant letting her know that Dr. Samuel Waksal was trying to sell his holdings in ImClone. Dr. Waksal was the chief executive officer and fall through of ImClone, and he had just received notice from the Food and Drug Administration that the drug Erbitux did not receive approval to be used as a cancer drug.Stock in ImClone was at a high due to expectations of Erbitux getting approval, and once the news of it not getting it reached the domain, Dr.Waksal knew that the bell of its stock was deprivation to correct. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 814) This is an example of insider trading. Anytime a keep company executive or employee buys or sells stock in the company that individual works for, an inside trade has occurred. (Newkirk, 1998) In this attempt I will explore who the insiders were that knew that the stock was in danger, and the mint who did not know. I will examine how Martha Stewarts decision affected her company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, and what she could take away done differently.The concept of insider trading is when a person has knowledge, positive or negative, that can impact a companys stock price and a trade is made based on that knowledge. Insider trading is illegal. Martha Stewart acted on inside information when she sold 3,928 sh ares in biotechnology company ImClone Systems. (White, 2006) The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the federal official agency that has the responsibility of regulating stock trading in the United States, alleged in its case against Ms. Stewart that she received an illegal tip from her broker ray of light Bacanovic.The tip was that Dr.Waksal and his family members were marketing their shares of ImClone stock. Bacanovic was the broker for Dr. Waksal and for Ms. Stewart. (White, 2006) When insider trading takes place, there is a select group of privileged people who have information about the stocks possible rise or fall. In the case of ImClone, Dr. Waksal let certain individuals, his father, his missy and his brokers assistant, know that a change was about to take place with ImCone stock by attempting to sell his shares. These are the people that the investigation revealed did ImClone stock trading on the day before the news become public.Martha Stewart order out about the news when Bacanovics assistant, Douglas Faneuil, notified her that Dr. Waksal was selling his holdings. (Hurtado, 2004) Each person who sold their holding in ImClone on December 27, 2001 with knowledge of the possible decline participated in insider trading. The other individuals that owned holdings in ImClone were not privileged to that information, they did not have an inside advantage. The two parties who knew ImClones stock was going down and the people who did not know have several things in common .They all felt that ImClones stock was a good investment and they were all about to let out money once the FDAs decision was made public. The difference between the two parties is one had a closer connection to the executives of ImClone and the other did not. High level employees of an organization are privileged to insider information. The spouses, friends, bankers and lawyers are connected to individuals who have awareness of material information thats not publicly available to everyone. (Clark, 2009) Martha Stewart and Dr. Waksal were close friends at the time of the ImClone scandal.This allowed her to have an inside advantage. When Dr. Waksal received the news that the FDA was not going to accept Erbituxs application for approval, he had an ethical dilemma. He knew that he could not control what was about to happen to ImClone, but he wanted to minimize his losses, and maybe the losses of some family members and close friends. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 814) Dr Waksal his fa ther, Jack his daughter Aliza and a sum up of close friends had significant investments in ImCloneOf course, elling his stock and advising his father, daughter, and friends to sell their stock would reduce their loses Dr. Waksal was faced with a tough decision.On one hand, he could refrain from lovely in questionable trading practice and thereby incur a significant amount of losses in his investment. On the other hand, he could occupy to sell his stock based on the information he received, reducing his investment losses, but violating the law and ethics of fair trade. (Carroll & Buchhlotz, 2009, p. 814) Dr. Waksal influenced each person he told about the FDAs decision and each person who knew he was trying to sell his holdings.When the head of an organization decides to sell his/her holdings in the organization, knowledge of this greatly influences others to do the same. Once Martha Stewart became aware of the possible decline in ImClone stock, she had a decision to make too. Her decision was whether to do nothing or to sell her stock. The decision she made affected more people than just herself. It affected every stakeholder she was associated with at that time.This include her employees at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSO), customers and competitors of MSO products, the Kmart Corporation, CBSs The archean depict where Ms.Stewart was a carriage contributor, and other business leaders and the public. Employees of MSO were left wondering if their jobs were in jeopardy, customers and competitors of MSO did not know the fate of the company, Kmarts revenues suffered, Ms. Stewart was no longer needed at CBS, and the public was left with mixed views. The ethical thing that Ms. Stewart should have done that would have spared her companys reputation and prevented the public scrutiny that each company and person close to her had to endure would have been to not act on the tip she received about ImClones stock.The companys reputation would have been deliver a nd Ms. Stewart would have saved money. She avoided a loss of $47,673 by selling her stock in ImClone before the news of the FDAs decision was made public. (White, 2006). The cost to her of selling that stock, factoring in penalties, restitution, and legal cost has been estimated to be about $300 to $400 million. Furthermore, had she held on to her shares of ImClone rather than selling them, she would have made a exquisite profit. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 17)In February 2004, after(prenominal) a new clinical trial and refilling by ImClones partner, the FDA approved the use of Erbitux for colon cancer and the price of its stock soared again. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 816) Dr. Waksals punishment for his actions was the maximum sentence of seven years in prison and he was asked to leave his position at Stanford University, the National crab louse Institute of the National Institutes of Health, Tufts University School of Medicine and Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He also lost his position of chief operating officer with ImClone and he had to pay a charming to the SEC.His plea agreement with the government and his admittance that he tipped undisclosed individuals to dump their stock before the FDA decision was made public spared his father and daughter from facing charges. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 815-816) Dr. Waksals and Martha Stewarts stockbroker, Peter Bacanovic, was sentenced to five months in prison, five months of house arrest, and fined $4,000. Bacanovics assistant, Douglas Faneuil was fined $2,000. (Hurtado, 2004) The original investigation of Martha Stewart was for insider trading, but she was not indicted for insider trading.A representative for Ms. Stewart denied the allegations and insisted that Ms. Stewart had a prearranged agreement with her broker, Mr. Bacanovic, to sell ImClone stock if it fell below $60Her assistant broker, Mr. Douglas Faneuil, however, claimed that such an agreement never existed and that Ms. Stewart sold he r four thousand shares of ImClone after she learned that Dr. Waksal and other family members had dumped their stock. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 815)Ms. Stewart was indicted on nine federal counts. The nine-count indictment alleged that Stewart altered evidence that she traded on inside information about the biotech company ImCone Systems, conspired with her stockbroker to equivocation to federal officials investigating the trade, and defrauded shareholders in her company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, by misleading them about why she had sold the stock. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 815) Martha Stewart was found guilty on four counts stoppage of justice, conspiracy, and two counts of making false statements. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 816)Ms.Stewarts punishment for her crime was five months in prison, five months in home confinement, and two years of probation. The fines she had to pay included $30,000, and $195,00 that included the $47,673 she saved by selling her sha res in ImClone plus $137,019 in penalties that represent three times the loss avoided amount. (White, 2006) In addition to the fine, Ms Stewart agree to a five-year ban on serving as a director of a public company and to limitations during those five years on the extent of her servicing as an officer or employee of a public company. (White, 2006) Ms.Stewart resigned as CEO and chairman of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia on the same day she was indicted, but remained on the companys board. She also resigned her position as board member for Revlon and the New York Stock Exchange. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009. p. 816) Some think Ms. Stewart was justly tried and convicted, while others think she was a scapegoat for larger corporate scandals. My opinion is that the punishment given to Ms. Stewart was fair. The maximum amount of time the crime she was convicted for can be unto 20 years in prison. (Hoffman, 2007) heedless of whom you are, consequences should follow when the law is broken .Martha Stewart broke the law in a minimal way, so her punishment fits the crime. When shareholders invest in a corporation, they do so to make a profit. The money they invest is used in several ways by the corporation. It is used for product research and development, improvements, overseas expansion, and to keep the company rudderless in tough times. If the company is not successful, the investors loose money. If the company is a success, the investors are rewarded with higher values of their stock shares in the company. (Clark, 2006) Martha Stewarts action brought an initial loss for her investors.Advertising sales plunged at MSOs magazine when the incident began. MSO stock plummeted by 60 percent after the charges were made public. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 815) However, when Ms. Stewart received the minimum sentence, the stock price of her company rose by 37 percent. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 816) Before the ImClone scandal in 2001, Martha Stewarts products were sold in Kmart and she was the CEO of MSO. During the ordeal, her magazine Martha Stewart Living loss advertising sponsors and pictures of Ms. Stewart were removed from the magazine.Less than three years after she got out of prison, the magazine showed an increase in advertising pages, pictures of Ms. Stewart are back in the magazine, she has a channel on Sirius satellite radio, she has a new magazine called Blueprint for younger people, and she has a line of homes with KB Homes. In 2006, she published Martha Stewarts Home-keeping Handbook, a 744-page guide to all things domestic. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 817) As of today, MSO is a thriving organization. Martha Stewart has a line of products at The Home Depot, PetSmart and Macys, along with The Martha Stewart Show on the Hallmark Channel.The company reported $49. 7 million for its third quarter earnings in 2010. (Martha Stewart, 2010) Prior to the ImClone scandal, Martha Stewart owned a magazine, her products were in Kmart and she w orked for The Early Show after coming out of prison, she still owns the magazine, her products are with more prominent companies, she has her own show on television and her organization is still making profits. The relationship she had with her stockholders may have suffered during the scandal, but today the relationship is mended.Ethical and public issues must be considered in a stockholder relationship. Decisions made by executives can have enormous effects on a company which can then cause negative and/or positive changes in a stockholders shares depending on how the public receives a brand or corporation once it has gone through a scandal. Loyalty to the Martha Stewart brand has helped the company to endure through the storm of the scandal. (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2009, p. 816) Shareholders should be considered when decisions are made that are unethical or that could be harmful to the companys public image.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Family and Delinquency Essay
How is it developed and how is it Solved? Introduction vilification and violence atomic number 18 considered to be terms that are believed to be the under articulatement of the actual situation that is happening in the society right now. It could be observed that through the years, the number of mortals being used by the said dilemma are undeniably increasing make the word abuse non just a word but iodin among the many things that people within the human society fear most. Abuse is the means by which people try to maltreat their fellowmen.This is regardless of the fact that the people being maltreated are either their friends or their family members as rise up. It could non be denied that this noble situation maintain affected the sections of human socialization already. The school institutions, the workplace, the churches and now even within homes, the existence of abuse cannot be very oftentimes controlled anymore. This is primarily the reason why it is very importan t to take several(prenominal) things regarding this point issue into consideration for studying.This would naturally allow a more concentrate procedure that shall be developed to assist abused victims both young and old, men and women to recover from the situation that they have been involved with when they were abused in the past. It is delightful untold appalling to know how a highly established society could be afflicted by the different effects of the abusive acts that are brought roughly as one of the major disadvantages of the advancements of the society. What are the sources of these major abuses?Most likely, as psychologists and sociologists point out, people are moved to create possible ways of let go their tension regarding several puzzles through afflicting the security of others. Most of those who are say as the ones victimizing others have been once victims themselves. On their own way then, they are nerve-racking to release the depression and the pain that the y are afflicted with through passing on the dreadful situation to others as revenge to those who have once victimized them.The abusive acts and their effects on the victim do not end on the actual act of abusing alone. The results of the said incidents account for further impact on the individualality of the victim primarily pertaining on his or her social interaction with the community that he lives with. Most likely, isolation and the feeling of lesser self-worth eventually develop. It could not be denied that these results are hardly expected by the victims before they were involved with the abuse that they were faced with.Certainly, it is through the memories of the abuse that the pain tends to remain in pass with flying colors control of the victims major get it onings with the society. At some point, the said victims tend to become socially avoiding as they rattling fear that the analogous thing might happen to them again in the hands of other people that they may or may not know. The trust that they used to have on other people before they were victimized eventually fades fashioning it harder for them to recover on the past that they have experienced. The World Reports and What They Pertain toAccording to cosmopolitan reports, there are several abusive acts that are taken against the weak ones in a daily basis. Depressingly, the numbers of the victims never cease to stop. Even though there is a strong push on the making of the different laws and ordinances that are designed to protect people from being abused on the places that they are living or working in, it is undeni able that there is still a considerable annual rise to the rate of the population becoming victims of the said dreadful situation.As mentioned above, there are numerous types of abuses that plagues the society today. With the influences of media and other publications that provoke both sexual desires and violence, the desires of people to do something awful to others to simply co mply to the hungriness that they feel for themselves and the satisfaction that they ought to r individually become much vivid and harder to avoid. Hence, pushing the abusers to come up with destructive acts that bring others into a devastating situation.It could be noted too through psychological studies that one cause of the ways by which people are moved to follow a certain path that leads them to abusing others actually involve depression and in depth disregard of ones self. Most of the time, when depression and stress takes over the mental system of a unwrapicular person, the deciding power of the person begins to weaken hence making it possible for him to take massive steps of destructive acts that usually lead to them abusing other people. Yes, frustrations and unsuccessful missions or aims bring much depression on human individuals.When this depression is treated in the wrong manner, the situation becomes harder to control. Psychologists particularly note this as one of t he ill fortunes of the nervous system to assist one in righteously deciding for what is supposed to be acceptably right to do when hard-to-deal with circumstances arise. The said failure gradually affects to one loosing his control over his actions. Add to the fact that there are those who take addictive substances that are directly affecting their decision-making capabilities hence making it harder for them to judge of whether what they are doing are right or not.The Personal Effects of Abuse and Violence As mentioned earlier, violence and abuse are two related to terms that describe the destructive situation that most people who are less able to protect themselves experience on the hands of the oppressive orbit of the human population. Hence, through the study that has been presented above, it could be noted that the results of the said incidents may either be positive or negative on the part of the individual that has been victimized by the said situation.The result becomes p ositive when the victims primarily learns how to defend himself the next time that the same situation occurs or in some way he or she has already learned to protect themselves from actually being involved in destructive situations based on the experience that they once had. On the contrary, the results may become negative if the victim begins to view the situation as an incident that could bring her or him to a fearful state against the systems of the human society. The state of isolation becomes and self-rejection is then added to the negative results of the said incidents.Involving the Family Amidst all the successes that the society achieves through the existence of technology and communication, it is quite disturbing how the situation of the most important sphere of the society suffers so much. Family, as the basic unit of the social races, is the one receiving the most negative effects of technological and industrial advancements. Intimacy and attachment has been much a hard c ase to deal with when dealing especially with the modern married couples.The thoughts of long ago regarding the long-run relationship that marriage is supposed to be had been gradually changed by the fact that system of the society today have already changed as well. The priorities and the goals of individuals have already been exchanged with the need of being economically successful in the field of their own chosen careers. Sadly, although both men and women are aware that they were meant to share a special relationship based on love, only few are able to realize to understand the reality of the vows that they give at the brink of their wedding ceremonies.Marriage, as a human press is a special bond that should be considered as a serious link between two people who are bounded by love. However, at some point, the view of marriage has been changed during the present era. Because of the social changes, marriage has been subjected to different challenges. Today, conflicts are directl y bombarded towards the relationship of married couples that in turn makes the situation much harder to deal with. As a result, many among those couples simply end up in divorce.For many years, it has been a standard definition of a family to be referred to as a chemical group of people who are related to each other and are thus bonded together by blood. The attachment within the said group goes beyond just the existence of a common blood, but it is further linked stronger through the existence of love. With the said advancements though of the society, the family is further subjected to face several issues that concerns the strength of its ties.. Since time is lacking, the members of the family are having a hard time creating time for themselves to at least deal with each other through communication, in turn, meanness is lost. This is specifically true with parents, or married couples. Because of the time that they devote to their jobs, they usually find it hard to balance their time to give each other prudence for the sake of the development of their relationship. As a result, the love that they once have lost the love that they once had for each other because of lack of time, communication and intimacy, their relationships solidity begins to drift away.On the contrary though, Donna and Roger are among the couples who are able to meet the challenges of marriage amidst all the challenges both personal and familial that are presented to the society nowadays. Although there had been some rough portions of their marriage, it could be noted through the interview that they have managed to set through their differences and were able to make adjustments so as to give themselves some room to improve as individuals and as couples. It is undeniable that being married at a young age is something that is much harder to deal with that dealing with simply the challenges of marriage itself.Aside from all the financial problems, personal adjustments certainly needed to be given attention especially on the part of the interviewees. The highlights of their relationship could be noted to have nothing to do with gaining surmountable amounts of wealth but with that of being together with their family. Seeing things in a simpler manner makes it easier for young couples to see life in a much less-complicated matter of life. It is through this that they are able to give importance to the more caring to separate things that wealth itself.True, they recognize that material gains add up to the happiness of the family since it gives the members a chance to enjoy the things they want without limits at least. However, this does not mean that the happiness of family members does not only rely on the influence of money at all. Instead, real family happiness relies on the fact that family members are still able to connect with each other through communication and simply by just being together amidst the busy schedules that each member of the family deals with regar ding their work or school activities as well as house chores.Making sure that each member is given the attention that they need from the family is an important key to family success. A Therapeutic access The Family assessment Device has been designed to measure improvements concerning the Family Therapy. In a busy and complicated world that families have to deal with these days, it is very vital every family be able to face the challenges of todays world. Although at times, the hardships that families has to face makes it difficult for its members to keep close and intact relationship with each other.Aside from this, the results of such a complicated life leads to different emotional and physical depressions which makes it harder for every family member to comprehend to each others needs and be able to dole out with lifes changes at the same time. This is why many families chose to undergo several family therapies to be able to solve the growing gap between their members and thu s lead a better family life. The Family Assessment Device includes six major dimensions that are connected to family functioning.The said six major scopes of the said assessment gimmick are the problem solving, communication, roles, effective responsiveness, effective involvement and behavioral control. The dimension on Problem Solving intends to measure the capability of a family to be able to face and solve certain problems that arise within the family. With the use of questionnaires having four possible responses on agreeing to the solutions suggested and disagreeing, each family is scaled depending on their answers.The other dimensions as well follow the same pattern of questionnaires. After answering the questions, each result shall be averaged, evaluated and concluded regarding the improvements of the family in the therapies they undergo. The standard results for the Family Assessment Device which concludes that the family has already amend through the family therapy is based on how well they have comprehended with the activities they undergo during the therapy. There are major ways on how to evaluate the changes in a family.One is through the statistical significance of changes observed, another is through the percentage of dropping below clinical cut-offs and finally through the magnitude of change between intake and termination. These three major evaluation processes helps the psychologists to scale the improvements that the family being observed has already incurred. Many experts have proved the reliability of tests and family assessments such as the Family Assessment Device effective.True, at times, the application of this assessment may not be that easy but the cooperation of the family under therapy programs would really help in making assessments such as this a successful program. At times, there might be some family members who would rather depend on their own understanding of the problems they are facing than referring their problems to expert s. Usually, this makes the FAD application harder to apply, but as said earlier, constant assistance and assurance to the families that they are being helped and not exploited or whatsoever, the Family Assessment could be concluded to be successful.Conclusion As it could be noted through the studies and discussion presented above, the result of violence and abuse upon the victim simply depends on his or her cognition of the situation that occurred. Someone who is strong and wise enough in facing lifes challenges may look at this particular experience as a lesson that would teach him to take full responsibility of the situation the next time that the same thing happens. However, a person who is actually flimsy in facing the surprises that life has to offer would break down upon experiencing certain devastating incidents.Yes, it is ones development as a person and perception towards life and the challenges that it brings that would actually determine the ways by which an individual would be affected by violence or abuse. It is only through a persons tact that the effects of the said situations could be identified within the growth progress that that particular person would undergo. It is also upon the persons discretion as to how he or she would actually allow the said incident to impact her personality as well as her social dealings.In the end, yes, it willing all depend on the person afflicted by the situation. References Sexual Victimization, Child Abuse and Neglect, 18 (1994)303318. Browne, A. , and Finkelhor, D. , Impact of Sexual Abuse A revue of the Research, Psychological Bulletin, 99 (1986)6677. Beitchman, J. H. , et al. , A Review of the Long- Term Effects of Child Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect, 16 (1992)101118. Cathy Spatz, Child Abuse, Neglect, and giving Behavior Research Design and Findings on Criminality, Violence, and Child Abuse, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 59 (1989)35567.Pfendler, B. A. (1997, April). Validation of the Mc Master Family Assessment Device (FAD) in an intensive family therapy program. Psychological Association, capital letter D. C. Ridenour, T. A. , Daley, J. G. , & Reich, W. (1999). Factor Analyses of the Family Assessment Device. Family Process, 37,38. Sluttery, J. M. (1997). Predictors of Family Therapy Outcome. Unpublished data, Handout. Kabacoff, R. I. et al. (1990). A psychometric study of the McMaster Family Assessment Device in psychiatric, medical and nonclinical samples. Journal of Family Psychology.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Corporations Essay
CHAPTER 19 CORPORATIONS1. THE NATURE AND mixture OF CORPORATIONSA dependable deal is a legal entity created and recognized by take fair play. It elicit consist of maven or two persons identified infra a common name.CORPORATE PERSONNELWhen an individual purchases a shargon of stock in a connection, that person becomes a sh arholder and giveer of the skunk. Sh arholder and crappers be liable.THE LIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDEROne of the key advantages of the in corporald shits is the limited indebtedness of its owners. incarnate stockholders comm only if are non person ally liable for the obligations of the weed beyond the extent of their investments.CORPORATE TAXATIONCorporate do goods are taxed, and do not uplifts tax deduction for dividends distri exactlyed to shareowners. Profits that are not distributed are retained by the skunk. These retained earnings if invested right-hand(a)ly, depart yield higher bodily profits in the next.TORTS AND CRIMINAL ACTSA potbelly is liable for the torts committed by its agents or officers within the course and mountain range of their employment. Corporation may be held liable for criminal acts of its agents and employees, provided the punishment is unmatched(a) that flush toilet be utilize to the corporation, corporation dope be fined.CORPORATION SENTENCING GUIDELINESPenalties depend on factors and executives involvement. Corporate lawbreakers do-nothing face fines littler amounting or to hundreds of millions of dollars. When a compe rattling has taken substantial steps to keep open, investigate, and punish wrongdoing, such as by establishing and enforcing crime preventionstandards, a court may impose less serious penalties. Corporate sentencing guidelines bear corporations to train employees on how to comply with relevant laws.CLASSIFICATION OF CORPORATIONSDomestic, foreign, and alien corporations* Domestic corporation by its shoes nation (the adduce in which it in corporals). * Foreign corporation corporation formed in one evince but doing production line in any(prenominal) other state. * Alien corporation corporation formed in another country but doing business on the E.E.U.U.In some instances, the corporation moldiness keep back a certificate of authority in any state which plans to do business. But the foreign corporation does not remove this certificate to sell goods over the internet.Public and private corporations* Public corporation, is one formed by the government to meet some political purpose, such a U.S. Postal service, AMTRAK. A public corporation is not the same as a publicly held corporation. A publicly held corporation is any corporation whose shares are publicly traded in a securities market, such as the New York clove pink Exchange or over the counter market. * Private corporation, are created for private gain. Most corporations are private although they may process a public purpose.Nonprofit corporationCorporation formed for purposes ot her making a profit are called nonprofit organization or not-for-profit corporations. Private hospitals, educational institutions, charities, and religious organizations for example, are organized as nonprofit organization.Close corporationsA close corporations is one whose shares are held by members of a family or by comparatively few persons. Referred also as closely held, family, or privately held corporations. Usually the members of the small groupconstituting a close corporation are personally know to each other. A close corporation is ofttimes operated like a partnership.*Management of close corporationsTo prevent a majority shareholder from dominating a close corporation, the corporation may subscribe that more than a simple majority of the manageors admire any action taken by the come along.*Transfer of shares in close corporationsThe transfer of one shareholders shares to someone else can consume serious management problems. Control of a close corporation can also be established through the use of shareholder agreement.S corporationsA close corporation that meets the qualifying requirements condition in subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code can operate as an S corporation. If a corporation has a S corporation status, it can avoid the imposition of income taxes at the unified level while retaining many of the advantages of a corporation, positionly limited liability.*Qualification requirement for S corporations1) The corporation essentialiness be a domestic corporation.2) The corporation must not be a member of an affiliated group of corporations. 3) The shareholders of the corporation must be individuals, estates, or certain trusts. 4) The corporation must wealthy person no more than one hundred shareholders. 5) The corporation must take away only one class of stock, although all shareholders do not need to have the same voting rights. 6) No shareholder of the corporation may be a nonresident alien.*Benefits of a S corporations1) When a corporation has losses, the S election allows the shareholders to use the losses to offset other taxable income. 2) When the shareholders tax square bracket is lower than the tax bracket for regular corporations. The S election causes the corporations entire income to be taxed in the shareholders bracket, whether it is distributed.Professional corporationProfessional corporation such as physician, lawyers, dentists, and accountants can in corporal. on that point is generally no limitation on liability for acts of malpractice or obligations incurred because of a breach of certificate of indebtedness to a client of a PC. In many states, passkey persons are liable not only for their own negligent acts, but also for the mis pass on of persons low their direct supervision who render professional services. A shareholder in a professional corporation is generally protected from contractual liability and cannot be held liable for the torts that are committed by other professional at the firm.2. CORPORATE geological formationOne of the most common reasons for creating a corporation is the need for additional capital to finance expansion. internalization may be the best choice for an expanding business organization because a corporation can obtain more capital by issuing shares to stock.PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIESPersons rarely engage in preliminary promotional activities. It is important for businesspersons to understand that they are personally liable for all preincorporation contracts made investor, accountants, or others on behalf of the future corporation.INCORPORATION PROCEDURESExact procedures for incorporation differ among states, but the basic steps are as follows 1) grant a state of incorporation.2) Secure the incorporated name.3) Prepare the articles of incorporation.4) File the articles of incorporation with the secretary of state.Selecting the state of incorporationBecause laws differ from state to state. nominates fees are considered too.Securing the corporate nameThe choice of a corporate name is hooked to state approval to ensure against duplication or deception. All the states require the corporation name to allow the word corporation (Corp.), Incorporated (Inc.), company (Co.), or limited (Ltd.).Preparing the articles of incorporationThe primary document postulate to incorporate a business is the articles of incorporation, must include the following information 1) The name of the corporation.2) The return of shares the corporation is authorized to issue. 3) The name and address of the corporations initial registered agent. 4) The name and address of each incorporator.*Shares of the corporationThe articles must specify the number of shares of stock the corporation is authorized to issue. A company might state that the aggregate number of shares that the corporation has the authority to issue is 5k.*Registered office and agentThe corporation must signalise the location and address where of it registered office within the state.*IncorporatorsEach incorporator must be constituteed by name and address.* era and purposeA corporation has a perpetual existence unless the articles state otherwise. The owners may want to consecrate a maximum duration, however, after which the corporation must formally renew its existence. A corporation can be formed for any lawful purpose.*Internal organizationArticles can describe the corporations internal management structure, although this is normally included in the bylaws resumeed after thecorporation is formed.Filing the articles with the StateOnce the articles of incorporation have been prepared and signed by the incorporators, they are sent to the appropriate state official, unremarkably the secretary of State.FIRST ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING TO ADOPT BYLAWSUsually, the most important function of this merging is the adoption of bylaws. If the articles of incorporation named the initial get on of directors, then the directors, by majority vote, call the meeting to adopt the bylaws and complete the companys organization.DEFECTS IN FORMATION AND CORPORATE STATUSThe procedures for incorporation are very specific. If they are not allowed precisely, others may be able to challenge the existence of the corporation. When the corporation seeks to enforce a contract against a defaulting party that party may be able to avoid liability on the ground of a defect in the incorporation procedure.De Jure and De Facto corporationsIf a corporation has substantially complied with all conditions occasion to incorporation, a corporation is said to have de jure existence. Because a de jure corporation is one that is properly formed, neither the state nor three party can attack its existence. Sometimes, there is a defect in complying with statutory mandates, under these circumstances the corporation may have de facto status, meaning that it will be treated as a legal corporation despite the defect in its formation. The following elements are required for de f acto status1) There must be a state statute under which the corporation can be incorporated. 2) The parties must have made a good faith attempt to comply with the statute. 3) The enterprise must already have undertaken to do business as a corporation.Corporation by EstoppelIf a business holds itself step forward to others as being a corporation but has made no attempt to incorporate, the firm unremarkably will be stopped from denying corporate status lawsuit by a third party. When jurist requires, the courts treat an alleged corporation as if it were an actual corporation for the purpose of determining the rights and liabilities in particular circumstances. A corporation by estoppels is thus determined by the situation. CORPORATE POWERSWhen a corporation is created, the take and implied military groups necessary to achieve its purpose also come into existence. The following order of priority is used if a conflict arises among the various documents involving a corporation 1) U. S . Constitution.2) Constitution of the state of incorporation.3) State statutes.4) Articles of incorporation.5) Bylaws.6) Resolutions of the visiting card of directors.To borrow funds, the corporation acts through its board of directors to authorize the loan.ULTRA VIRES DOCTRINEThe term ultra vires means beyond the power. Most cases dealing with ultra vires acts have involved contracts made for unauthorized purposes. In some states, when a contract is entirely executor, either party can use a defense of ultra vires to prevent contract enforcement.3. PIERCING CORPORATE VEILOccasionally, the owners use a corporate entity to perpetrate a fraud, mystify the law, or in some other way accomplish an illegitimate objective. In these situations, the court will ignore the corporate structure and pierce the corporate veil. The following are some of thefactors that frequently cause of the courts to pierce the corporate veil 1) A party is tricked into a dealing.2) The corporation is set up ne er to make a profit or always to be insolvent. Not enough money when it formed. 3) statutory corporate formalities, such a holding required corporation meeting, are not allowed. 4) Personal and corporate interests are mixed together.THE COMINGLING OF PERSONAL AND CORPORATE ASSETSThe potential for corporate assets to be used for personal benefit its especially great in a close corporation, in which the shares are held by a wholeness person or by few individuals. In such a situation, the separate status of the corporate entity and the shareholder must be carefully preserved. Certain practices invite trouble family owned corporation, the comingling of corporate and personal funds, the failure to remit taxes, including payroll, and the shareholders continuous personal use of corporate property.LOANS TO THE CORPORATIONCorporation laws usually do not specifically prohibit a shareholder from leading funds to her or his corporation. either transaction has to be made in a good faith and fo r fair value.4. DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AND SHAREHOLDERSROLE OF DIRECTORSThe board of directors is the ultimate authority in every corporation. Directors have responsibility for all policymaking decisions necessary to the management of all corporate affairs. Just as shareholders cannot act individually to bind the corporation, the directors must act as a body in carrying out routine corporate business. The board selects and removes the corporate officers.Election of directorsCan be less than three, directors are elected by a majority vote of theshareholders.*Removal of directorsA director can be removed for cause (failing to perform).*Vacancies on the board of directorsCan occur because of death or resignation or when a new position is created through amendment of the articles or bylaws.Compensation of directorsDirector usually are compensated for time, effort, etc. In many corporations directors are also chief corporate officers and receive compensation in their managerial positions. Board of directors meetingsThe board of directors conducts business by holding formal meetings with put down minutes. The date of regular meetings are usually established in the articles or by board resolution.Rights of directorsA corporate director must have rights to function properly in that position.COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS1) Executive committee. The board members often elect an executive committee of directors to handle the interium management decisions between board of directors meetings. 2) Audit committee. Is trustworthy for the selection, compensation, and oversight of the independent public accountants who audit the corporations financial records. 3) Nominating committee. This one chooses the candidates for the board of directors that management wishes to submit to the shareholders in the next election. 4) Compensation committee. Reviews and decides the salaries, bonuses, stock options and other benefits. 5) Litigation committee. Decides whether the corporati on should pursue requests by shareholders to file a lawsuit against some party that has allegedly harmed the corporation.CORPORATE OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVESOfficers and other executives are hired by the board of directors.DUTIES AND LIABILITIES OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERSAre deemed to be fiduciaries of the corporation because their relationship with the corporation and its shareholders is one of trust and confidence. affair of careDirectors and officers must exercise due care in performing their duties, they need to act in a good faith. If directors and officers failed to exercise due care results in harm to the corporation can be held liable for negligence.*Duty to make informed and reasonable decisionsDirectors and officers are expected to be informed on corporate matters and to conduct a reasonable investigations of this situations onward making a decision.*Duty to exercise reasonable supervisionDirectors are also expected to exercise a reasonable amount of supervision when they del egate work to corporate officers and employees.*Dissenting directorsDirectors are also expected to attend board of directors meetings, and their votes should be entered into the minutes. Unless a dissent is entered in the minutes, the director is presumed to have assented. Dissenting directors are rarely held individually liable to the corporation.*The business concept practiceDirectors and officers are expected to exercise due care and to use their best judgment in directional corporate management, but they are not insurers of business success. Under the business judgment rule, a corporate director or officer will not be liable to the corporation or to its shareholders mistakes of judgment and bad business decisions.Duty of loyaltyDefined as faithfulness to ones obligations and duties. typically involve 1) Competing with the corporation.2) Usurping a corporate opportunity3) Having an interest that conflicts with the interest of the corporation. 4) Engaging in insider trading.5) Authorizing a corporate transaction that is detrimental to minority shareholders. 6) Selling control over the corporation.Conflicts of interestCorporate directors often have many business affiliations, and a director may sit on the board of more than one corporation. Sometimes engage personal interest too.Liability of directors and officersCorporate directors and officers are personally liable for their own torts and crimes. Additionally they may be held personally liable for the torts and crimes committed by corporate personnel under their direct supervision.THE ROLE OF SHAREHOLDERSThe acquisition of a share of stock makes a person an owner of and shareholder in a corporation, shareholders own the corporation but have no right to manage it. fundamentally the shareholders ownership control is limited to voting to elect or remove members of the board of directors and deciding whether to approve fundamental changes in the corporation. Shareholders are not agents of the corporation, no r do they have legal title to the corporations property, such as its building and equipment, they simply have an equitable (ownership) in the firm.Shareholders powersShareholders must approve fundamental changes affecting the corporations before the changes can be implemented. Shareholder approval normally is required to amend the articles of incorporation or bylaws, to conduct a merger or dissolve the corporation, and to sell all or substantially all of the corporations assets. Shareholders have the power to vote to elect orremove members of the board of directors.Shareholders meetingsAt least annually and proper notice need to be send it.*ProxiesThe law allows stockholders to either vote in person or appoint another person as their agent to vote their shares at the meetings. The signed appointment form authorizing an agent to vote the shares is called proxy.Shareholder votingShareholders exercises ownership control through the power of their votes. Corporate business matters are p resented in the form of resolutions, which shareholders vote to approve or disapprove.*Quorum requirementsAt least 50% need to be present. Extraordinary corporate matters, such as a merger, consolidation, or the dissolution of the corporation require approval by a higher percentage of representatives of all corporate shares entitled to vote.*Voting listThe RMBCA requires a corporation to maintain an alphabetical voting list of shareholders.*Cummulative votingMost states permit and some require, shareholders to elect directors by cumulative voting, a voting method designed to allow minority shareholders to be represented on the board of directors.*Other voting techniquesA voting trust is an agreement under which shareholder transfers the shares to a trustee, usually for a specify period of time. The trustee is responsible for voting the shares on behalf of the beneficiary-shareholder.RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERSStock certificatesIs a certificate issued by a corporation that evidences owne rship of a specified number of shares in the corporation. In jurisdiction that require the issuance of stock certificates, shareholders have the right to demand that the corporation issue certificates and record their names and addresses in the corporate stock record books.Preemptive rightsWith preemptive rights a shareholder receives a preference over all other purchasers to subscribe to or purchase a prorated share of a new issue of stock. Which means a shareholder who is given preemptive rights can purchase the same percentage of the new shares being issued as she or he already holds in the company. This rule does not apply to treasury shares, shares that are authorized but have not been issued.Stock warrantsAre rights to buy stock at a stated price by a specified date that are given by the company.DividendsIs a distribution of corporate profits or income orders by the directors and paid to the shareholders in proportion to their respective shares in the corporation.*Sources of f unds for dividendsDepending on the state law, dividends may be paid from the following sources 1) Retained earnings2) Net profits3) Surplus*Directors failure to declare a dividendShareholders can ask the court to compel the directors to meet and declare a dividend. To succeed the shareholders must turn out that the directors haveacted so unreasonably in withholding the dividend that their conduct is an abuse of their discretion.Inspection rightsShareholders in a corporations enjoy both law and statutory inspection right (but limited). This include inspect voting lists, specified corporate records.Transfer of sharesCorporate stock represents an ownership right in intangible personal property. The law generally recognizes the right of an owner to transfer property to another person unless there are legitimate restrictions on its transferability.Rights on dissolutionWhen a corporation is dissolved and its outstanding debts and the claims of its creditors have been satisfied, the rema ining assets are distributed on a pro rata basis among the shareholders.The shareholders derivative suitWhen the corporation is harmed by the actions of a third party, the directors can bring a lawsuit in the name of the corporation against that party.LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERSOne of the hallmarks of the corporate organization is that shareholders are nor personally liable for the debts of the corporation. If the corporation fails the shareholder can lose their investment but that is the limit of their liability.Watered stockWhen a corporation issued shares for less than their fair market value, the shares are referred as watered stock. Usually the shareholder who receives the watered stock must to pay the difference to the corporation.Duties of majority shareholdersA majority shareholder is regarded as having a fiduciary duty to the corporation and to the minority shareholders. This occurs when a unity shareholder owns a sufficient number of shares to exercise de facto control over the corporation. In these cases the majority shareholders owe a fiduciary duty to the minority shareholders. A breach of fiduciary duties by those who control a closely held corporation normally constitutes what is known as oppressive conduct.5. MAJOR BUSINESS FORMS COMPARED
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