Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Germany The Answer To An Old Question Thesis This Paper Will Argue T Essay Example For Students
Germany: The Answer To An Old Question Thesis: This Paper Will Argue T Essay hat Germany needs to secure itself as both the economic and political hegemon of Europe inside of the European Union; until its present condition and effectiveness in the global politics changes, instability in the European Union, as well as, basic fear of will always be present. I. Introduction II. Historical Perspective-The two negative factors A. Fear twice in one century 1) Bismarck/Frederick II 2) Hitler B. Foolishness 1) WWI 2) WWII III. Reunification The Key A. Economic realities 1) E. Germanys status 2) Infrastructure B. The significance of one Germany 1) Future 2) Politics IV. European Union-The means to and end A. European check and balance system 1) Hope for the future 2) Provisions for success B. The answer to a disturbing question 1) Can Germany be strong and peaceful? 2) France and England V. Conclusion The formation of a state can be both a beautiful and terrifying event . As a national you now have a home and place to live with people of a common culture and heritage, an identity.If you are a founder of the new state, there would be a sense of accomplishment of having achieved the fulfillment of a lifetime goal. Other states which deemed this new state as legitimate and recognized it as a self-determined equal, have created a potential ally or enemy.The downside, the premature recognition and the actual struggle for that status, usually entails conflict, loss of life, revolution and even war. A state was formed and recognized in 1871 in the center of Europe. This event has had an enormous impact since its inception. It has been both the salvation of Europe through economic depressions and hard times, as well as, the cause for two world wars and the near decimation of Europe. Its people have been back and forth between rags and riches, democracy and dictatorships, united, broken and then reunited. This state is known as Germany. Modern Germany has been reunified after almost 50 years of separation during the cold war. Once again German power and influence is on the rise. The world watches because Germany has not been able to successfully retain both total sovereignty over its territory and be an economic world power, for a substantial period of time; without plunging the world into an unavoidable conflict. The question of Germany and its position in world politics is one which has plagued statesmen since Germanys formation.This paper will argue that the answer lies within the state.Germany needs to secure itself as both the economic and political hegemon of Europe under the auspices of the European Union.Furthermore, until Germanys present condition and effectiveness in global politics changes, the instability in the European Union will continue, as well as, the persistent German question. .Twice in history Germany has risen from disorder and weakness to stand strong and belligerent upsetting the existing world order. Can there be any question of why the world views Germany suspiciously? In 1914, German expansionism and short-sighted diplomacy paved the way toward an inevitable war. Germany moved from Bismarkian Diplomacy which maintained the status quo in Europe and abroad, to an aggressive militaristic imperialism which desired redistribution of global territory. A large naval fleet was built second only to the Royal navy (Britain) as well as a massive increase in military hardware production.By 1913 Germany replaced Britain as the main manufacturing European power.This fact reinforced by the aggressive nature shown in German foreign policy obviously was not in the interest of maintaining any sort of status quo. The situation was far from being solved. Though Germany was defeated was placed at the mercies of the other victorious world powers, which were determined not have the scenario of 1914 happen again. Unfortunately, a similar situation did develop once again with Germany in the center. By 1938 Germany had rearmed and was aggressively expanding both its physical and economic boarders. Adolf Hitler saw the opportunities which a weak Europe armed with the ideas of appeasement as a deterrent for military aggression presented to Germany. These two historical occasions promoted a general distrust of a strong united Germany. Both times in history after the conclusions of the wars Germany was used for its large production capabilities and natural resources. The first time was to pay back large war debt acquired by Britain and France. The second was during the cold war and Germany was split between the two super powers. Thus, the development of the German question or problem.Reunification was possible because of a few factors. The largest was the collapse of the Soviet Union which is also the most obvious. This is true due to the fact that the occupied eastern region of Germany by the Soviet army was relinquished. Rocket Engines Essay is of absolute importance, whether it be by Maastricht or another means.As Germany grows in stature, the Germans are bound to feel that their role is changing, especially with the developments in Eastern Europe and beyond. These developments have created a power vacuum through which Germany will naturally feel the need to lead in safe-guarding order.It is the nature of politics to say that as German power grows so will German influence, the only peaceful alternative and answer to the German question is the E. U. Only, that is, if the E.U. remains elastic to always contain but not hinder the growth of its members, especially Germany. This brings the argument to ask the question of whether there can be a European Germany or only a German Europe? This asks if Germany can be successfully and properly integrated with the rest of Europe. This is a nonsensical question which is self defeating. Are the Germans some sort of special breed of humanity which make them inherently above the law? Alfred Baring, a German Historian, is referred to as accusing his fellow citizen of a laxness bordering on irresponsible. Stating that, Germans have been political lightweights for forty years and want to stay that way. Continuing that, Germany has been living in an idyllic situation in which it has not had to challenge itself and think of its role in Europe. Germany is as much of a part of Europe as France or Italy. Each nation-state has a position and a role to play in the E.U. . To discard Germany as being overbearing and dominant,placing it on the shelf will simply not work. Giving Germany a monopoly on political an economic policy making is also foolish. This argument is not about creating a fourth German empire. Germany has a role to fill in Europe, fear and paranoia should not be allowed to dictate how it is accomplished. A strong, properly integrated European Union is possible withGermany. The word strong is an attribute of which Germany has been all to familiar with. History is full of examples, some previously stated in this paper, of a Europe integrated through strength. However, properly is the key word in Euro-integration. Nietzsche, in his work Beyond Good and Evil addresses this matter. He states, I hear with pleasure that our sun is moving rapidly in the direction of the constellation of Hercules: and I hope that men on earth in this matter emulate the sun. And we at their head , we are good Europeans! This is an analogy speaking of the movement of politics and power shifts in the late 1800s towards Germany, in the perspective of a German philosopher. He believed that Germans were unique to the rest of the populous of Europe.Unfortunately, this philosophical notion has been altered and used for rather devious measures. Adolf Hitler is the best example of this. Germans are unique as are all races in and outside of Europe. However, Nietchzsche saw that perhaps the German people possessed a quality not of superiority, as the Uber Mensch; but rather analogically speaking of the Germans in Europe as a whole. Thatproperly integrated means a strong Germany both economically and politically, not hiding behind checkbook or its constitution.Thus, after over 120 years Germany has seen mush change and German power is on the rise again. This paper has illustrated the past struggles of Germany which has affected the world. The reach for power by attempting to establish an empire under the Kaiser and the militaristic expansionism shown by Adolf Hitler both ended in conflict bring the world to war and Germany to its knees. The new battle Germany faces is the reunification process, Eastern Europe and the European Union. All of these three factors are crucial in the future of Germany.As argued in this paper Germany needs to establish itself as a stable and reliable support for Europe under the auspices of the European Union. The success of the European Union and the economic development of Eastern Europe are in direct relation and dependant on that event. Patrick J. Hearden, Roosevelt Confronts Hitler: Americas Entry into World War II, (Dekalb, I.L. : Northern Illinois University Press, 1987), p. 189. Hans J. Morganthau, Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, 6th ed. revised. Kenneth W. Thompson (McGraw Hill, Inc., 1985), p. 67. Michael Ignatieff, Blood And Belonging: Journeys into the New Nationalism, ( New York, N.Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1983), p. 57. Friedrich Nietzche, Beyond Good andEvil, trans. R.J. Hollingdale(London: Penguin Books, 1973), p.170. Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, Foreign Political Aid: the German political foundations and their US counterparts, International Affairs67 (January 1991) : p.33-64.
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