Sunday, April 12, 2020
The Realistic Views of Miss Jane Pittman Essay Example
The Realistic Views of Miss Jane Pittman Paper Gaines tells his story of struggle and triumph through his character, Jane Pitman. Although this Is a fictional novel, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitman portrays many realistic views and events that occurred In the late 19th century, during and after slavery. Throughout the novel, many slaves experience a realistic loss of a close friend or relative (Carmen 72-73). When the slaves attempt to run away in small groups, they get separated. The white plantation owners chase after them with guns and dogs. While Jane, only 12, and Ned, her recently met friend, are hiding, Needs mother is shot and killed by a Confederate soldier. Later in the novel, Jane meets two young brothers, Timmy and Tee-Bob. Timmy is black and Tee-Bob is white. Because it is so hard for them to live with a white father and black mother, Tee-Bob commits seclude. Although there are only few scenes In which slaves are trying to escape, they are so dramatic and well-characterized, the reader can understand what the slaves were going Karachi 2 through. One of the very first scenes In the novel describes Jane and a few other slaves running away to Ohio. They are later chased by their owners and Jane, along with her small group, are shot at. While traveling to Ohio, Jane gets lost several times and struggles in search of food, but overall she never gives up. Gaines gives lane the characteristics of determination, physical endurance, and a lack of self-pity Sometimes the African-Americans lose each other for a more (Carmen 65). Positive reason. Many of them leave their homes in search of a better life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Realistic Views of Miss Jane Pittman specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Realistic Views of Miss Jane Pittman specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Realistic Views of Miss Jane Pittman specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer For example, when Ned grows up, he decides to leave and Join the Union army. Most of the African-Americans are determined to head North to escape from the struggles of racism (62). The scenes Gaines Illustrates with death and separation are described so well, its as if the reader is actually there. Ernest Gaines shows us how often death ND separation from slave families occurred in the 19th century and how tragic and realistic it actually was. Living with racism is the toughest struggle the African- Americans had to overcome. Carmen says of Gaines readers: .. Hey receive a vivid Impression of the kinds of guerilla tactics that terrorized people of color and forced them to submit to the De facto slavery system that persisted well into the 20th 1 OFF cent I nurturing ten wangle story, even Walt ten war Dealing over, most Attract Americans were treated with no respect. While the war was still in effect, most slaves were forced to live in inhumane conditions. Most slaves live in small qu arters, ancient structures (Bloom 34), serving as homes. Readers see how horrible the conditions of the houses really were. They were so badly kept that many slaves developed sickness causing death. Even with this cruel Karachi 3 treatment, Gaines shows them willing to fight for small human pleasures, such as food or friendship (Bloom 32). For example, with the war over, the free African Americans are still willing to work with their plantation owners Just for food and shelter. Not all white people in the novel are racist; Gaines also illustrates white people who do not believe in slavery. He lets the readers know that whites are not all selfish and inconsiderate. For example, he mentions a respectable Union soldier. The soldier gives Jane her name. Before then, she was known as Dicey. The soldier changes it because he says Dicey is a black name. He does not want her to be treated like a slave or working, since she is only a child. He demands that Jane get break from working and begins a conversation with the girl. The Union soldier explains to Jane that he lives in Ohio and slavery is not tolerated there. After meeting this soldier, Jane is determined to travel to Ohio (Stanley, deed. 83). The Union soldiers n the book, along with real life, both disagreed with slavery. The soldiers hated seeing the African Americans treated as slaves. In the book there are many new beginnings for the slaves. In reality with all the African-American slaves, many had trouble finding new homes and Jobs. Although today along with the novel, the war ended and slavery is now over, African-Americans still find struggles in racism. The book shows how many former slaves stay and live with their old plantation owners so that they have food and a place to live. At one point, Jane agrees to live and work for a plantation in return for a home. Other former slaves were determined to go out on their own and be free such as Ned when he leaves for the North. Karachi 4 Ernest Gaines main purpose of the novel was to depict the clash between youth and age. Bloom says, His concern is for the ways in which people attempt to hold on to or break from the past, and adjust to the present or influence the future (Bloom 33). Canes point of view changes along with her age. As she grows older she becomes more of an observer rather than a fighter. Her struggles throughout her past continue to stay with her and make her stronger all the way till her death (Harpoon 103). In real life people will recover from rigorous situations or learn from their mistakes, and this makes them stronger. After reading The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitman, readers will see how factual and truthful the story really is. Gauged once stated, Gaines creation is so successful, his rendering of Canes voice is so convincing, that many readers will come to believe Jane was a living person, not a fictional character (Carmen 62). Gaines takes facts from the past and turns them into a fictional story. The reader will find that every single event that occurs in The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitman could nave napped EAI In real Tie
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