Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Peace Essay Example for Free

Peace Essay Christianity and Islam have similar teachings on peace and it is evident that there is a strong relationship between these fundamental teachings and the ways in which the religious traditions and their organizations actively strive towards world peace. World peace is understood in both faiths, not just as an absence of violence and conflict, but also as an overall sense of wellbeing and social cohesion. Inner peace is essential in achieving world peace, and must be attained in order to work towards peace at a higher level. Christianity teaches that peace is Christ’s parting gift and a concept that begins with Him, â€Å"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you† (John 14:27). The Catholic peace movement â€Å"Pax Christi† stands for the ‘peace of Christ’ and has launched a policy for a culture of peace and non-violence. â€Å"Pax Christi† uses the teaching of the peace of Christ to guide them, calling adherents to state that they are recognizing their responsibility to â€Å"respect life†¦practice active non-violence [and] defend freedom† (Pax Christi International Manifesto for a Culture of Peace and Non Violence 1999) in order to contribute to the achievement of world peace. Islam teaches that peace can only be attained through the submission to Allah’s will. One is able to submit to Allah through the process of jihad, which is to struggle to overcome the obstacles in the way of submission, or the process of Shahada. The Sufism movement provides Muslims with a path to follow in order to contribute to the attainment of world peace through 3 stations. These mirror the teaching that peace can only be found in Allah, encouraging the submission as the initial step in moving towards world peace, â€Å"Submitting our†¦bodies to Allah is Sufism† (Sufism Equals to Islam). The teaching of submission and anticipation of pleasing Him, establishes a Muslims role in actively working towards achieving world peace. The Quakers are a Christian denomination that follows the principal teaching of pacifism, as modelled by Jesus’ ministry. Christ’s teaching of the Beatitudes is fundamental in guiding the Quakers, especially in â€Å"Blessed are the peacemakers† (Matthew 5:9). The Quakers work towards world peace through things such as rallies and marches for peace and justice, as well as campaigning and raising awareness about social justice and supporting those looking for an alternative to violence. The Quaker’s choice to refrain from war to contribute to world peace can be seen by their silent vigils against war, such as that in King George Square. In 1660, the Quakers presented â€Å"A Declaration from the Harmless and Innocent†¦Quakers†, which has been the basis for the Quaker’s peace testimony in which they strive towards attaining world peace. Rufus Jones, a Quaker, stated that Quakers have an â€Å"obligation to assist and to forward movements and forces which make for peace in the world† (The Quaker Peace Position). Peace is a fundamental aim of Islam and teaches that war is only permitted to overcome oppression and tyranny. The Qur’an teaches that â€Å"whosoever killed a soul†¦it is as if he had killed all mankinds† (Al-Madiah 5:32). However, this is overlooked due to common misconceptions about the Islamic faith, especially due to exploitation by the media. After the violent aftermath of the London bombings in 2005, the NSW Islamic Council stated on their website, â€Å"We firmly hold the view that these killings and atrocities have absolutely no sanction in Islam†¦terrorism†¦has no support from†¦the Islamic community†¦and would never be endorsed†. Partnerships exist between Muslim, Jewish and Christian organizations so that their voices aren’t overlooked, for example the 1991 ‘Prayer for Peace’ in which it was asked, â€Å"Forgive our violence towards each other†. Even though overlooked by the media, Muslims work tirelessly towards world peace. Christianity expresses that justice must come before peace is achieved. In 1972, in the World Day of Peace Message, the Catholic Pope Paul VI said, â€Å"If you want peace, act for Justice†. Accordingly, the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV), seek peace, justice and reconciliation. In a report titled, â€Å"Called Together to be Peacemakers†, Catholics and Mennonites hoped to work together to assist the WCC’s DOV, stating, â€Å"Our similar identities as ‘peace churches’†¦our commitment to be followers†¦of Jesus Christ†¦Prince of Peace. † They quote John Paul II in the World Day of Peace (2002), â€Å"no peace without justice†, adding, â€Å"in the absence of justice†¦peace is a mirage†¦justice is an inseparable companion of peace† (CTBP 177). It is evident, the relationship between the doctrine of justice before peace, and then the actions to chieve this to strive towards world peace. The Qur’an teaches that, â€Å"Allah guides those†¦to the ways of peace†¦and guides them to a straight path† (5:16), often termed ‘the paths of peace’. This teaching of being guided on a path of peace is demonstrated by the organization Muslim Peace Fellowship, declaring on their website that their main objectives are to â€Å"work together with all people of good will to keep open the straight path† and to â€Å"work against injustice and for peace†¦in our world† (Muslim Peace Fellowship Blog). This organization actively seek world peace through the use of conferences, publications, speeches and interreligious action, as well as interior work and prayer. Evidently, principal teachings in both Christianity and Islam help to guide and encourage both their roles in the attainment of world peace. The fundamental teachings act as guidelines to be interpreted by current followers in order to play a role in the triumph of world peace. There is a strong correlation between the theoretical principal teachings and he actions performed by leaders and adherents to gain peace at a world level.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Aviation Essay -- essays research papers

There are several factors that enabled Wilbur and Orville Wright, two high school dropouts, to produce a successful airplane controlled by a pilot. The Wright brothers were self-educated and very experienced with several types of technologies when they began their efforts to produce an airplane. Having worked as bicycle mechanics, they understood the importance of several technologies working together to create one particular design, as well as the significance of balance. The brothers worked well together, learning from past attempts at aviation, and drawing from other’s findings, in addition to discovering many of their own. One of the most distinct differences in their attempt from other aviators was that the brothers began by first learning to fly and control the airplane in glider fo...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Health&Safety in Childcare

While the free essays can give you inspiration for writing, they cannot be used ‘as is' because they will not meet your assignment's requirements. If you are in a time crunch, then you need a custom written term paper on your subject (childcare) Here you can hire an independent writer/researcher to custom write you an authentic essay to your specifications that will pass any plagiarism test (e. g. Turnitin). Waste no more time! Tantrums, mealtimes, whingeing, disobedience, bullying, stress, loss of patience, sibling rivalry and fussy eating all contribute to at home parents requiring time out. As for working parents, everyday they strain themselves to financially support their families whilst also worry about the effects their absence will have on their child or children. So what's a parent to do? Give up any hope of returning to work? Continue slaving away at home as they become increasingly impatient and angry at their child? Abandon your child to the clutches of any Tom, Dick, or Jane who hangs up a childcare shingle? Beg your aging parents to give up lawn bowling and golf in favor of spending quality time with their precious grandchild? Difficult as it can be to find quality childcare, the situation isn't quite as dismal as you might think. While you might have to set your sights short of finding a real-life Mary Poppins, you don't have to settle for any of the scary characters who regularly make their rounds on our television sets every night. In today s society there are many options parents can take when it comes to childcare. When considering which choice to take it is vitally important to make sure their child s needs are meet. Children s physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs must be met if they are to grow and develop towards their full potential. Whether at home or in some form of childcare, children require essentials such as love, security, praise and recognition, responsibility and space to explore and learn new things. Alternative options for childcare include: a baby-sitter – an individual who comes to your home and watches your child / children on an irregular basis. In most cases they are a local teenager with no special training. However, most schools and girls clubs now offer training courses in baby-sitting, first aid and infant / toddler CPR. au pair (mainly in America) – A foreign visitor who wishes to experience another way of life. In most cases the individual is from another country and live with the family and receive a salary. Duties include light housework and childcare in which they work under the supervision of the parents and may or may not have any training. Au pairs provide up to 45 hours of childcare per week, on top of room and board, they generally receive approximately $115 to $125 per week. Families are also responsible for paying $500 per year toward an au pair's tuition costs and $3950 to participate in the program- a fee that covers recruitment expenses, air transportation, training, insurance, and support from a community counsellor. nanny – A childcare specialist who has special training in childcare, health and safety, and nutrition. Duties are childcare and domestic tasks relating to childcare, depending on your individual family needs, you can obtain a live in nanny or not. A nanny may be full or part time and must be over the age of 18. Their fees range from $2000 to $4000 per month (plus room and board, if applicable) with many also expecting you to provide them with a car allowance and/or the use of the family vehicle. ay care/family childcare – Care for infants and preschool children in the caregivers home. day care center and day nursery – Care for infants and preschool children. It may be located in the caregivers home or in another location. The center is licensed and the staff have to meet your states required minimum for training and adult / child ratio. The cost is approximately $30 per day for an infant, $28 per day for a toddler, and $24 per day for a preschooler.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Division Of Civil Rights Essay - 2049 Words

One organization that i was looking into was actually the Division of Civil Rights. New Jersey was actually one of the first states to pass an anti-discrimination legislation around 1945. This legislation that was passed in 1945 ended up creating the Division on Civil Rights. The Division on Civil Rights is basically to enforce the LAD which in terms is also called the Law Against Discrimination. Even as many years has gone by the Division of Civil Rights is still and will always be a factor in the United States. The Division of Civil Rights protects a lot of things such as the rights of the neighbors and family members as well. It is basically an anti-discrimination law that protects every single person from discrimination whether it is discriminating because of someone’s else gender or discriminating against someone s race or even their family status. This law protects those people from getting racially discriminated and women from getting discriminated as well. It helps tho se people have equal rights to every single other person that lives in that area or works in that place. Another thing that the Division of Civil Rights â€Å"enforces is the New Jersey Family Leave Act, which provides job protected time off for eligible employees, when they need to care for family members† ( The Division of Civil Rights is seemed to be apart of the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General as well as the Depart of Law and Public Safety. Their responsibilities is to investigateShow MoreRelatedDirectives And Regulations Are Forms Of Secondary Eu Legislation1262 Words   |  6 Pageslike a national law without modifications (OU, 2017a, 2.2). b) The laws of human rights protects individuals from torture, slavery, unlawful punishment and arbitrary detention. Furthermore they make sure that people are treated equally under the laws. An example is the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). 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