Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Risks Of Cardiovascular Disease Health And Social Care Essay
The Rheos System is the device that can be used to take down blood force per unit area in patients who have immune high blood pressure ; the mechanism being stimulation of the carotid baroreceptors. It is unknown if there is any interaction between Rheos and conventional pacesetters. ( KARUNARATNE et al, 2010 ) I will besides be speaking about a really recent therapy for hypertensive patients ; nephritic sympathetic denervation ( RSD ) . It uses a state-of-the-art technique, ââ¬Å" transdermal, catheter-based radiofrequency extirpation â⬠. This has been shown to be good in patients with immune hypertension.A ( DOUMAS et al, 2010 ) Sufficient decrease in blood force per unit area can be readily achieved by bring oning unsusceptibility against marks in the RAAS. The mark antigen is a important factor in the effectivity and safety of the vaccinum. The angiotonin II vaccinum: CYT006-AngQb lessenings blood force per unit area in worlds but the consequences nevertheless were non consistent with more frequent dosing. Vaccines which can be used for hypertensive patient are still in the early stages. ( DO et al, 2010 ) High blood pressure has a high prevalence and has a slightly ill-defined definition. ( HASTIE et al, 2010 ) High blood pressure is something that needs to command. It is recommended that at least every five old ages grownups should hold their blood force per unit area checked until the age of 80. Peoples who have a high normal value for their systolic blood force per unit area, for illustration between 130 and139 mm Hg or who have a high normal value for their diastolic blood force per unit area, for illustration between 85 and 89 millimeters Hg ) are recommended to hold their blood force per unit area measured every twelvemonth. ( Brown et al, 2004 ) I will be discoursing some of the new anti hypertensive drug therapies available, the two chief 1s being viz. the carotid baroreceptor stimulation therapy and the nephritic arteria denervation process. Large-scale clinical tests and clinical surveies are presently traveling on with the purpose of specifying the safety of both the intercessions. ( GRASSI et al, 2010 ) This new implantable device which stimulates the carotid baroreceptors ( Rheos device ) activates the carotid baroreflex. This is done electrical stimulation of the carotid fistula wall: electrodes are really implanted on the outside surface of the carotid fistula wall. This is the first new therapy I will be speaking about. ( TOIDOIR et al, 2007 ) Activation of the nephritic sympathetic nervousnesss is a cardinal issue to the pathogenesis of indispensable high blood pressure in patients hence why I have decided to speak about this new approaching nephritic arteria denervation process. ( SYMPLICITY HTN-2 INVESTIGATORS et Al, 2010 ) I am besides traveling to be discoursing a new blood force per unit area vaccinum. The AngQb vaccinum uses an immunisation technique which involves the junction of angiotonin II to atoms which are similar to viruses. In a celebrated stage 2 test published in the Lancet, hypertensive patients were vaccinated with 300 mcgs of the vaccinum. After 14 hebdomads at that place was really a difference of 9.0 ( systolic ) /4.0 ( diastolic ) millimeter Hg. There were besides no serious inauspicious events recognized with the vaccinum disposal. ( GRADMAN et al, 2008 ) I will briefly speak about current medicine for hypertensive patients and eventually reexamine published documents which discuss conformity and attachment to anti hypertensive medicines. Carotid BARORECEPTORS: 1000 words The definition of immune high blood pressure would be the province that some patients face when antihypertensive drugs are non able to take down the blood force per unit area. This is a job that many physicians face at the minute in clinical pattern. ( GRASSI et al, 2010 ) . The chief intent of the arterial baroreflex is to keep the blood force per unit area rather near to a peculiar set point ( this is over a short period of clip. ) It is imperative to minimise blood force per unit area variableness by baroreflex mechanisms. In hypertensive worlds and animate beings, the baroreflex control of bosom rate has been shown to be diminished. ( HEAD et al, 2005 ) Therefore, it would follow on that a good mechanism of blood force per unit area control would be electrical activation of the carotid baroreflex. In the sixtiess and 1970s the carotid baroreflex was modulated as portion of the intervention for immune high blood pressure. The carotid fistula nervousnesss were stimulated inveterate utilizing implanted nervus electrodes and an implantable receiving system. However, t16 T. Reich, J. Tuckman, A.F. Lyon and J.H. Jacobson II, The effects of wireless frequence carotid fistula nervus stimulators in terrible high blood pressure, Surg Forum 18 ( 1967 ) , pp. 174-176.his technique ne'er became established as a possible therapy for high blood pressure. This was due to two chief grounds, one was the development of new pharmacological agents used in the intervention of high blood pressure ( e.g. ACE-Inhibitors ) and secondly because of proficient restrictions of implantable medical devices. ( TOIDOIR et al, 2007 ) More recent observations in inveterate instrumented animate beings have shown that the stimulation of carotid baroreflex can positively influenceA the long-run ordinance of arterial blood force per unit area. ( TOIDOIR et al, 2007 ) The Rheos System is an deep-rooted carotid fistula baroreflex triping system with a pulse generator and bilateral perivascular carotid fistula leads ( CSLs ) .It is has been and is still being evaluated in clinical tests for the intervention of drug-resistant high blood pressure. ( SANCHEZ et al, 2010 ) An of import clinical test was published last twelvemonth in Germany which tested this Rheos device. It looked at 7 work forces and 5 adult females ( an age scope crossing between 43 ââ¬â 69 old ages ) who all suffered from immune arterial high blood pressure ( intervention resistant ) . Approximately one month before the survey took topographic point a ââ¬Å" bilateral electric baroreflex stimulator â⬠was implanted at the degree of the carotid fistula ; this was the Rheos device. Assorted things were measured including the intra-arterial blood force per unit area, bosom rate, plasma renin, musculus sympathetic nervus activity, cardiac and sympathetic baroreflex sensitiveness and norepinephrine concentrations. ( HEUSSER et al, 2010 ) These measurings were all performed under resting conditions, both with electric baroreflex stimulation and besides without electric baroreflex stimulation. The arterial blood force per unit area was 193 millimeter Hg ( plus or minus 9 ) over 94 ( plus or minus 5 ) millimeter Hg on medicines. The electric baroreflex stimulation reduced systolic blood force per unit area by 32 ( plus or minus10 ) millimeter Hg ( the scope being +7 to -108 mm Hg ; P=0.01 ) . ( HEUSSER et al, 2010 ) My reading would be that this is a really strong P value giving first-class grounds that this Rheos device is good for hypertensive patients. Muscle sympathetic nervus activity decreased rather aggressively when electric stimulation was started. After the lessening, there was an activity addition. However, throughout the existent stimulation period it remained below the baseline degree. Heart rate decreased 4.5 plus or minus 1.5 beats per minute with stimulation ( P & lt ; 0.05 ) . Again the P value here is important beef uping the grounds for Rheos device. The renin concentration in the plasma decreased 20 % plus or minus 8 % ( P & lt ; 0.05 ) . Yet once more here we have another important P value. The electric field stimulation of carotid fistula baroreflex did acutely decreased blood force per unit area in the patients. There were no negative effects on the existent physiological baroreflex ordinance. The response was mediated through sympathetic suppression. ( HEUSSER et al, 2010 ) MORE REVIEWS ON THIS Nephritic ARTERY DENERVATION: 1000 words Renal sympathetic hyperactivity is really associated with high blood force per unit area. Progression of high blood pressure can do chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) and bosom failure. A test was done in 2009 where nephritic sympathetic denervation was tested in patients who suffered from immune high blood pressure. The patients ââ¬Ë systolic blood force per unit areas were tantamount to 160 millimeters Hg or even higher ; they were all on 3 or more medicines for their high blood pressure ( this included a diuretic ) to reasonably measure blood force per unit area decrease effectivity every bit good as safety. The survey took on 50 patients who were all from five different European Centres. 5 patients were excluded from the nephritic denervation for anatomical grounds. They all received ââ¬Å" transdermal radiofrequency catheter-based intervention â⬠between the day of the months June 2007 to November 2008. They all besides had subsequent followup to 1 twelvemonth. ( Krum et al , 2009 ) The survey looked at the effectivity of nephritic sympathetic denervation. The primary end points included the blood force per unit areas at one, three, six, nine and twelve months after the process. In patients who had been treated with nephritic sympathetic denervation the baseline mean blood force per unit area was 177/101 millimeter Hg, ( average 4.7 antihypertensive medicines ) . The estimated GFR was 81 mL/min/1.73mA? . After the process the blood force per unit areas were reduced rather well. They were reduced by ââ¬Å" -14/-10, -21/-10, -22/-11, -24/-11, and -27/-17 â⬠millimeter Hg at one, three, six, nine and twelve months, severally. In the five patients who had non been treated, there was a average rise in blood force per unit area. The rises at one, three, six, nine and twelve months were ââ¬Å" +3/-2, +2/+3, +14/+9 â⬠, and +26/+17 mm Hg severally. ( Krum et al, 2009 ) The resultsA from this test were promising ; the catheter-based nephritic denervation caused sustained blood-pressure decrease in patients with immune high blood pressure. The decrease in blood force per unit area was rather significant and was without any serious inauspicious events. It was evaluated that more randomized clinical tests are necessary in order to look into the utility of this process farther. ( Krum et al, 2009 ) Equally good as this survey, another test was done the twelvemonth after ; this test was more big graduated table and was published in the Lancet. The purpose of this test was similar to the last 1 in that, they wanted to measure how effectual the catheter-based nephritic denervation in cut downing blood force per unit area in patients who had treatment-resistant high blood pressure was. The safety of the process was besides to be evaluated. In this randomized test, the patients used were those who had a systolic blood force per unit area of either 160 mmaÃâ ?Hg or more ( despite taking 3 or more antihypertensive drugs ) at the start of the test. These patients were indiscriminately allocated to hold the nephritic denervation with old intervention or to the other group: to keep old intervention entirely ( command group ) . The ratio for patients holding option 1 compared to option 2 was 1:1. The test included 24 take parting centres.A ( SYMPLICITY HTN-2 INVESTIGATORS et Al, 2010 ) 106 of the 190 patients ( this is tantamount to 56 % of the entire patients ) screened for eligibility were indiscriminately allocated to two different groups. The first group were the patients who were to have nephritic denervation, 52 patients were put here. The 2nd group was the control group, there were 54 patients put here. This happened between the day of the months June 2009 and January 2010. 49 of 52 patients who underwent the nephritic denervation were assessed after 6 months after the start of the test. 51 out of 54 patients who were in the control group were besides assessed after 6 months. In the nephritic denervation group, the blood force per unit areas were reduced by 32/12 mmaÃâ ?Hg, holding had a baseline of 178/96 mmaÃâ ?Hg, P & lt ; 0Aà ·0001. On the other manus, the blood force per unit area measurings in the control group were non different to the baseline blood force per unit areas, alteration of 1/0 mmaÃâ ?Hg, baseline being 178/97 mmaÃâ ?Hg. ( SYMPLIC ITY HTN-2 INVESTIGATORS et Al, 2010 ) The differences in both groups in footings of blood force per unit area at 6 months were hence 33/11 mmaÃâ ?Hg ( p & lt ; 0Aà ·0001 ) . The P value here is highly important, back uping grounds for this therapy. The happening of any inauspicious events was non different between the two groups. Overall, there were no studies about any serious procedure-related/device-related complications. It was evaluated that catheter-based nephritic denervation can well cut down blood force per unit area in patients with treatment-resistant hypertensive and can be used safely whilst making this. ( SYMPLICITY HTN-2 INVESTIGATORS et Al, 2010 ) REVIEWS ON THIS NEEDED BP VACCINE 500 words In carnal theoretical accounts, inoculation against renin has been shown to be effectual but has resulted in quite fatal autoimmune nephritic disease. Vaccines directed at angiotonin I and II and a section of the angiotonin 1 receptor did cut down blood force per unit area ( BP ) without doing autoimmune disease. In worlds, angiotonin I vaccination did non really cut down BP. ( GRADMAN et al, 2008 ) In the last twosome of old ages at that place has been some new grounds that a new blood force per unit area vaccinum could assist lower blood force per unit area. CYT-006-AngQb is a vaccinum in which a peptide derived from the angiotonin II molecule conjugates to the surface of virus-like atoms. ( PHISITKUL et al, 2009 ) The vaccinum was designed to assist dainty patients who suffered with high blood pressure. The vaccinum has the benefit of holding a comparatively durable consequence and therefore does non necessitate day-to-day dosing in comparing with pharmacological therapies. It was found that in hypertensive rat theoretical accounts, the vaccinum induced angiotensin-II-specific antibodies and decreased systolic blood force per unit area. This seems to be the method of how the vaccinum works. It is basically made up of a peptide which is derived from the Air National Guard II molecule, and this is so conjugated to the surface of virus like atoms. ( PHISITKUL et al, 2009 ) Presently, high blood pressure can be controlled sufficiently with bing drugs such as ACE inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers. However, intervention success is often restricted by patients who do non adhere to intervention. Immunisation against angiotonin II could work out this job. A celebrated survey was published in the Lancet merely over 2 old ages ago and it investigated the efficaciousness and safety of CYT006-AngQb. This is a vaccinum that is based on a virus-like atom ; the vaccinum marks angiotensin II in order to seek and cut down ambulatory blood force per unit area. ( TISSOT et al, 2008 ) The test was a placebo-controlled randomized ââ¬Å" stage IIa â⬠test. It consisted of 72 patients who suffered from mild-to-moderate high blood pressure. They were all were indiscriminately assigned to have injections of one of the undermentioned doses: 100 I?g of CYT006-AngQb, 300 I?g CYT006-AngQb or placebo. There were patients in each of the 3 groups. They were given their dosage at 3 different intervals ( hebdomads 0, 4, and 12 ) . Twenty four hr ambulatory blood force per unit area was measured twice, one time before intervention and so at hebdomad 14.A The reading was as follows: immunization with CYT006-AngQb vaccinum was linked with no serious inauspicious events which was assuring. In peculiar, the 300 I?g dosage decreased blood force per unit area in patients who had mild-to-moderate high blood pressure during the daylight ( chiefly in the early forenoon ) . ( TISSOT et al, 2008 ) This new vaccinum inhibits the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system ( RAAS ) . This has made many clinicians question whether it is safe suppressing the actions of angiotonin II for several months? Some surveies have argued that suppression of the renin- angiotensin- aldosterone system could be unsafe as the suppression could do salt and volume depletion and hence dangerous hyperkalaemia. a farther of import safety issue would be whether perennial stimulation of the immune system by supporter doses of a peptide could can do autoimmune disease ( SAMUELSSON et al, 2008 ) Although there are many inquiries remain sing efficaciousness and safety, RAAS immunisation represents a really advanced attack to anti hypertensive intervention. ( GRADMAN et, 2008 ) Given the mechanism of the vaccinum CYT-006-AngQb, and the first-class potency of complementing other high blood pressure interventions, success in ongoing stage II tests in patients with high blood pressure would do this therapy a valuable add-on for advisers handling hypertensive patients. ( PHISITKUL et al, 2009 ) Current intervention: 500 words Presently a broad scope of drugs are available for patients who suffer from high blood pressure. The chief 1s include water pills, sympathomimetic receptor adversaries, sympathomimetic receptor agonists, ca impart blockers, ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin II receptor adversaries and aldosterone adversaries. The chief diuretic most normally used in clinical practise isA bendroflumethiazide, which is a thiazide water pill. Other thiazide water pills include: Diuril, Microzide and epitizide. Loop water pills include: butmetanide, ethacrynic acid, Lasix and torsemide. Thiazide like water pills include: Hygroton, Lozal and metolazone. In add-on, there are besides potassium saving water pills which include amiloride, triamterene and Aldactone. Adrenergic receptor adversaries include foremost alpha blockers, secondly beta blockers and eventually assorted alpha and beta blockers. Examples of alpha blockers include Minipress, A Hytrin, Cardura, tolazoline, trimazosin, Vasomax, indoramin and phenoxybenzamine. Some illustrations of beta blockers include: Sectral, Tenormin, bisoprolol, Lopressor, oxprenolol, Visken, propanaolol, sotalol, and Blocadren. Assorted alpha and beta blockers include bucindolol, carvedilol and lebetalol. Alpha blockers tend to be non recommended as first line intervention for high blood pressure. Alpha-2 agonists include Catapres, alpha methyl dopa and guanfacine. Calcium channel adversaries include amlodipine, diltiazem, felodipine, isradipine, lacidipine, lercanidipine, nicardipine, nifedipine, nisoldipine, and Calan. Examples of ACE inhibitors are: Capoten, cilazapril, Vasotec, fisinopril, Prinival, perindopril, quinapril, Altace, and Mavik. There are assorted angiotensin II receptor adversaries including: candesartan, eprosartan, irbesartan, losartan, olmesartan, telmisartan and Diovan. Finally, aldosterone adversaries include eplerenone and Aldactone. Talk ABOUT DIFFERENT CLASSES AND NICE GUIDELINES. Conformity + attachment to intervention: In footings of conformity to anti hypertensive medicine, there are some rather lurid figures. It has been stated that the bulk of over 1 billion hypertensive patients around the universe really remain with uncontrolled blood force per unit area. Furthermore, among existent hypertensive patients who do have anti hypertensive intervention, at least half of them fail to make presently recommended blood force per unit area marks ( in most states ) . ( GUPTA et al, 2010 ) It has been estimated that about 30 per centum of the grownup population in the United Kingdom are hypertensive, with their blood force per unit areas being over 140/90A millimeters Hg. It is either over 140/90 millimeters Hg or they are on blood force per unit area take downing medication.A Apparently, over half of hypertensives in the United Kingdom are non even on any intervention, and in add-on about half ( possibly even more ) of the people who are on the anti hypertensive intervention have blood force per unit areas over the existent threshold, 140 over 90A millimeters Hg. WHO ( World Health Organization ) estimates that about 50 to 70 % of patients do non take their antihypertensive medicine, and has described poor/non attachment to anti hypertensive medicine as the most important cause of uncontrolled /poorly controlled blood force per unit area. ( MANT et al, 2006 ) A systematic reappraisal was done in 2004 of randomized controlled tests which had looked at attachment to medicine with regard to blood force per unit area control. It was found that in seven of the tests an betterment in attachment to medicine was really associated with a lessening in blood force per unit area. However in a farther seven tests, a lessening in blood force per unit area was achieved even though there had been no betterment in attachment. Although this demonstrates that attachment to medicine is n't the lone factor involved in good blood force per unit area control, it predicts that it is most likely the chief factor. ( SCHROEDER et al, 2004 ) It has been reported than in the USA merely thirty five per centum of patients who suffer from high blood pressure have achieved equal blood force per unit area control. Unfortunately, non-compliance is one of the main barriers to intervention of high blood pressure. Vaccines against high blood pressure, injected every 4 ââ¬â 6 months, can to an extent combat non-compliance. ( DO et al, 2010 ) High blood pressure unfortunately remains uncontrolled in over 50 % of treated patients. Some of the barriers which prevent good high blood pressure control include those that are physician-related, patient centred and all those related to the wellness system. The designation of uncontrolled high blood pressure and immune high blood pressure require good attending to accurate blood force per unit area measuring. Awareness of lifestyle factors, secondary causes of high blood pressure and right intervention are all important to designation of uncontrolled high blood force per unit area and immune high blood pressure. ( WOFFORD et al, 2009 ) There was a really interesting paper published last twelvemonth which looked at aged patients and conformity to anti hypertensive medicines. It was shown that up to a 3rd of aged hypertensive patients do non adhere to their medicine. Attachment to these medicines lessenings with increasing age, and besides with diminishing cognitive ability. Therefore more aged patients who are besides cognitively-impaired have poorer control of their blood force per unit area. Good control of blood force per unit area has been associated with reduced prevalence of both Alzheimer ââ¬Ës disease and dementedness, hence it is imperative that this category of the population is carefully monitored with regard to conformity to medicine. ( GARD et al, 2010 ) Decision In decision, the intervention of high blood force per unit area is more or less based on both drug therapy and lifestyle intercessions. Both of these things require patient attachment to be effectual. Unfortunately hapless conformity is seen in both of these attacks ; this is the chief ground for deficient blood force per unit area control. ( SAMUELSSON et al, 2008 ) Electrical field stimulation of carotid fistula baroreflex sensory nerves will acutely diminish arterial blood force per unit area in some patients who have treatment-resistant arterial high blood pressure or who are antihypertensive drugs. The stimulation will go forth the existent baroreflex map undisturbed. ( HEUSSER et al, 2010 ) This surgically deep-rooted Rheos device ( which electrically stimulates the carotid baroreflex system ) can be placed safely in a patient and will bring forth rather a important acute lessening in blood force per unit area without any major side effects. ( ILLIG et al, 2006 ) The catheter-based nephritic sympathetic denervation in add-on to standard pharmacologic therapy has shown to diminish high blood force per unit area values by a high magnitude ; this is likely to be priceless in diminishing the hazards of shot, bosom failure, shot and chronic renal failure which are all major slayers in the United Kingdom. ( Katholi et al, 2009 ) If inoculation against high blood force per unit area was both safe and effectual in the hereafter, it would perchance work out many jobs of non-compliance and non attachment to medicine. The test published in 2008 in the Lancet was true rather little and the writers even say themselves that more big graduated table surveies need to be carried out in order to demo the safety and efficaciousness of antibodies against angiotonin II in patients with high blood force per unit area. However, the consequences of this new vaccinum are really promising, and inoculation for high blood pressure may turn out to be really positive in many patients. ( HERLITZ et al, 2008 ) In decision, the three new drug therapies that I have talked about all have great possible ; hopefully they will all go successful therapies for future intervention immune hypertensive patients.
Autobiography Essay
As a child, I suffered hardships in many areas of my life, so much so, that even as a young child, I knew my life was considerably different than other children my age. While most children were carefree and out playing, I was inside cooking for myself, cleaning up the house, or watching after my mother. These were normal duties for me and had been for the past 2 years. My mother was in the prime of her addiction and nothing else in life seemed to matter except her drugs and her next high. I did what I had to do to take care of myself, my home, and my mom. I always believed she would wake up one day and realize what she was doing and make things right, end all the madness that my life had become. Norman Vincent Peale once said, ââ¬Å"In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it. â⬠The potential value, the opportunity came looking for me. The Department of Family and Children Services showed up at my house when I was 9 years old. A new neighbor had called and complained that my mother was not fulfilling her duties as a mother and that they were worried about me. DFCS placed me with the Nelson Family, a grounded, stable, and devoutly religious foster family that promised to give me a better life. They were part of Winshape Homes, an organization of foster homes that was founded and supported by Truett Cathy, the founded of Chick-fil-a. Rosemary and Rob, my foster parents, were licensed to have up to 15 children at a time in the household, so I viewed them as experts at raising kids. They showered me with unconditional love and showed me what a ââ¬Å"realâ⬠family was all about. Even with 12 other siblings in the household, they took care of our individual needs, loved us the way we needed to be loved, and taught us everything they could. I spent 9 wonderful years with them before I graduated high school and moved onto college. I was dealt a bad hand, so to say, as a child, but I wouldnt change anything in my past. Everything I went through made me stronger, helped me to appreciate what I have, and has taught me to not take things for granted. My mother was never there for me but I am an awesome mother to my children because of her. I am thankful for the family I have now and I am grateful that I have lessons and wisdom to teach my kids. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to make it through the tunnel before you see the light.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Food Channels Culture in Pakistan
To make something palatable and delicious, all u need is some boneless chicken, some cheese, fresh cream and mushrooms, mix well and fry in plenty of olive oil. Serve in Italian crockery and garnish with French olives. Stayâ⬠¦Please doesnââ¬â¢t rush to the kitchen. I am only reminding you that this is the actual way of cooking, we hear these days. I am sure you all are well aware of the timings of your favorite and famous cooking shows. It is the time when every sister mother and possibly you too hang in front of TV set with a pen and note pad to note down the recipe of mouth watering dishes.By taking a U-turn from cultural Aloo Gosht, one might feel himself a part of this fashionable era. Food has always been a big part of the Pakistani culture, but with the current revolution in the means of media, the food industry in Pakistan seems to have exploded. Food is ubiquitous in Pakistan. Exclusive food channels are growing day by day which broadcast cooking shows throughout the d ay. Newspapers and magazines are filled with advertisements and recipes for food items.One might even get the impression that the Pakistanis live to eat, rather than the other way around. And yet, buried underneath this apparent feast of excesses, lies a shameful secret. Pakistan is the country where people are deprived of basic necessities of life; easy approach to food has become a misery. This is the time when the country has faced a catastrophic flood which has devastated 1/5th of the country and affected 20 million people. Food crisis are bigger then tsunami and millions of people have been starving.Still the motto of our cooking channels is ââ¬Å"eat all; enjoy allâ⬠. The present state in which we survive, simplicity is the best policy. In the contrary the cooking channels promote extravagancy. Each program prepares three to six dishes at a time and also promotes the idea of starters and sweet dish along with the main meal. Separate meal for the children is out of questi on. By watching this, one may assume that the children are born to eat burgers, French fries, nuggets and drinks. The ingredients, used in cooking shows, compete the gold prices.Every meal starts with boneless chicken and ends up with the display of foreign crockery. The people, who can afford this, have their meals in five star restaurants or in the home, made by their cook. The rests stay desperate and heart broken. The channels claim that the way to win the goodwill of husband and in laws is through the kitchen. Obviously in a country like Pakistan nobody can deny the above statement but the question is what the husband would do when his wife will spend half of his monthââ¬â¢s salary in her one dayââ¬â¢s cooking experience.Ultimately the goodwill will convert to ill will. Our religion commands us to lead a simple life and Our Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) is the best example of it. Hadith says that ââ¬Å"Who ever adopts moderation can not be bankruptâ⬠. In the curr ent scenario Pakistan can not afford such extravagancy. Cooking shows are not inadequate if they are really earnest in training women and society in simple and positive manner. Food is a basic human right and a necessity but eating food should not be a luxury.
Monday, July 29, 2019
One of the major strengths of the culture metaphor rests in the fact Essay
One of the major strengths of the culture metaphor rests in the fact that it directs attention to the symbolicsignificance of even the most rational parts of organisational life [Gareth Morgan, 1986] - Essay Example It is in this uniqueness that the significance of organizational culture resides; in this formulation, ââ¬Å"cultureâ⬠contains the seeds of distinction that can differentiate a given organization from its competitors in the market, resulting in success or failure. Culture is not only the opposite of rationality; it transcends rationality and becomes the something extra that brings a necessary human element to organization, imbuing an abstract collective with identity, personality and ââ¬Å"a face.â⬠This opposition, and its transcendence, has been at the heart of all analyses of ââ¬Å"cultureâ⬠dating back to the early days of the discipline of Anthropology in which ââ¬Å"other,â⬠seemingly irrational foreign cultures were investigated by Western academics and researchers, whose goal was to discern the underlying and apparently unapparent rationality. In this original formulation, culture both obscures rationality and gives it its unique form; the same holds true for the analysis of business and organization. Organisational culture is both a product of formal organizational rules and structures, and also helps to produce the structures themselves, both formally and in their practical function. Like all cultures, organizational cultures have subcultures as well as practices and values that directly contradict the stated values and norms of a given organisaton. Both the relationships between organizational culture and the larger structure of an organization, as well as the relationship between formal ââ¬Å"valuesâ⬠and the values as practiced by employees, managers or other organizational figures are best investigated through direct, analytical observation, an anthropological practices known as ââ¬Å"ethnography.â⬠An example of the relationship between organizational culture and formal structures as mutually reinforcing systems may
Sunday, July 28, 2019
FDI in the UAE Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
FDI in the UAE - Term Paper Example The government reviewed and strengthened the legal framework through the Ministry of the Economy to facilitate foreign direct investment in the economy. The government also signed free trade agreements with partners in the global economy in a move to make the economy more competitive in the global market place. Multinational companiesââ¬â¢ preference to invest in the United Arab Emirates can be attributed to its position as a global trade hub, with outstanding performance compared to the rest of the world. The economy is one of the worldââ¬â¢s preferred re-export destinations because of its desirable characteristics in hiring foreign labour, timeliness of shipments in reaching destination, effective cost of imports and exports, quality of air transport, port, and road infrastructure. The government facilitates foreign direct investment due to the benefits linked to it. FDI is proved to stimulate and maintain economic growth, promote technology transfer and encourage more effici ent management skills (Inter-American Development Bank, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, pg 12) The pie chart below shows that United Arab Emirates is the third largest foreign direct investment economy after the United Kingdom and the United States. Table 1.0 Source: Salman A. and Hui Xiao Feng ( Forms of Foreign Direct Investment in U.A.E Foreign direct investment can basically be classified into two forms, that is, Greenfield investments and mergers investment. Greenfield investment refers to a situation where a wholly new operation is introduced in a foreign country while mergers investment involves a case where an investment seeks to merge its operation with those of an already existing investment in the foreign country. The mergers can be acquisitions, strategic alliances, or joint ventures. Foreign direct investment can further be classified into market-expansion investments and resource-seeking investments. In market-expansion investments, investment abroad is done in the in the same industry as the parent company, while in resource-seeking investment, investment abroad is done to search for large profitable markets and source inputs for a firm's domestic production process (Gregoriou & Renneboog, pg 31). Green field investment is a form of foreign direct investment where a parent businessà starts a new operation in a foreign country. The parent companies undertake to construct new facilities and hire new permanent employees in a foreign country. Foreign countries oftenà offer incentives such as tax-breaks and subsidies to encourage Greenfield investments that benefit the developing countries through creation of jobs and technological advancement countries. However, Greenfield investment has a major setback to host countries in that, profits from operation are not reinvested or put back into the domestic economy. The profits gained fro m operations of Greenfield investors are taken back to multinational's home economy unlike local companies whose profits are re-invested into the domestic economy. Therefore, host countries do not benefit much economically but gain long term benefits from job creation, technology and managerial skills transfer (Aswathappa, pg 29). Creation of employment, technology, and managerial skills transfer is viewed to be of more advantageous to the country than loses in offering tax breaks and subsidi
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Reflection paper about the annishnaabe people Research - 1
Reflection about the annishnaabe people - Research Paper Example Clearly, the residential schools system had a massive effect on the culture of the Anishinabe. While the white Christian faithful saw the system as a way of assimilating them and promoting peaceful coexistence, the school stream eroded the culture of the Anishinabe. The federal policy of residential schools made the engaged Anishinabe unacceptable in their society. They were detached from their system while the federal system did not fully accept them. The federal policy did more harm than good. It was wrong for people who claimed to follow the Christian guidelines to put Anishinabe children forcefully in residential schools and force them to disown their language and cultural practices. The white community of the time showed double standards as they advocated autonomy in their society. In God is Red, Vine Deloria condemns the hypocritical nature of the white people in the society and the government. More so, Deloria sees the religious imposition on the Anishinabe as hypocritical (43 ). These claims are very accurate. It is regrettable that the white people in the residential schools mistreated the Anishinabe children, degraded them and eventually made them lose their cultural identity. Basically, the white people used religion hypocritically to pursue their agenda of dominion over the native people in the region. The Anishinabeââ¬â¢s resistance to residential school was justified. After all, the residential schools only made them lose their identity, face physical and sexual abuse and become physiologically crippled. Though they were overwhelmed due to the superiority of the white Christian settlers, their cause was worthwhile. They could not have experienced relief later on such as the right to conduct their traditional rites if they did not rise against the residential schools. Benton-Banai writes, the clan system of the Anishinabe was instrumental in directing resistance. As a governing body, their actions were entirely
Friday, July 26, 2019
Islamic View of Medical Treatment Research Paper
Islamic View of Medical Treatment - Research Paper Example However, a new branch of thinkers interpret the possibilities in the principle and suggest that a temporary abstinence of child bearing chosen with mutual consent is acceptable by way of physical contraception methods which do not affect the structure and function of the body. Ap0artr from the application of medical resources for birth control, there is an equal challenge on the issues related to fertility treatments. Most of the women consider discussing problems related to conceiving a child and giving birth as taboo and ignore the chances of consulting a doctor for treatment of their failure. While on the other hand, pregnancy is the gift of God as per the belief of this religion and it must be treated as virtue of a woman to give effect to the sperm of the male. The Qurââ¬â¢an teaches us to respect the ability of women to bear a child as it says ââ¬Å"If they have a burden (pregnant) then spend on them until they bring forth their burdenâ⬠(Ch: 65:6, cited in Angelfire.c om, n.d) . Religious views are against the artificial methods of fertilizing as it strongly condemns the factor of the womanââ¬â¢s exposure of her private parts to a person other than her husband. However, the modern society is willing to allow medical treatment for infertility subject to conditions applied as per the guidelines of the derived principles. Euthanasia and Organ Donation As Islam has its own guidelines about handling birth and fertility related affairs, so it has a claim on the debate of euthanasia or the right of a person to choose death with assistance of a physician. On the basis of Islamic views, withdrawal of life supporting apparatuses for granting relief to an individual is not acceptable. Though there were primitive... This essay studies and evaluates some of the religious implications of medical treatment methods practiced by the scientifically inspired new society. As per the religious concept, marriage is meant for the basic purpose of having children as a contribution to the growth of the community. Any attempt to deliberate termination of pregnancy or the practices for attaining sterility endorses the principles of this religion. The fetus has an independent right to live within the motherââ¬â¢s body; therefore an attempt to abort it is an assault as well as a murder. Surgical methods of sterilization such as vasectomy and hysterectomy are not permissible in the religious point of view. As Islam has its own guidelines about handling birth and fertility related affairs, so it has a claim on the debate of euthanasia or the right of a person to choose death with assistance of a physician. On the basis of Islamic views, withdrawal of life supporting apparatuses for granting relief to an individ ual is not acceptable. In conclusion, Islam is a religion with absolute concern for integrity and the value of life. It believes in the principle of power of all knowledge meant for the well being of believers under the guidelines of the Prophet. Therefore the topics discussed in the essay are subject to scientific consultation in the present day community while considering the essential factor that the religion never allowed them for convenience but it approves them for the concept that necessity can sometimes over rule prohibitions.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Building of professional competence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Building of professional competence - Essay Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that communication remains one of the vital elements to every professional in conducting his daily activities. Communication needs to be very effective in businesses in order to create a mutual exchange of understanding between the conveyer of the information and the readers. Business communication ensures that there is constant flow of information. More than often, communication plays an important role in giving information to the interested parties of an organisation including employees and shareholders notwithstanding the general public. In the presentation on Harrods holdings, effective communication was made to various parties. This comprised of the customers who were served in Harrod holdings and investors who were the key shareholders in the company. With regards to the customers the report gives information based on the location of Harrod holdings within its business actual position in the market. In addition, the co mpanyââ¬â¢s managers give a convenient highlight on the presence of other boutiques that Harrod holdings have around other parts of the world. The report given based on Harrod holdings also shows the owners of the company thus, giving the public the image of the company. year that it was founded as well as the year and place of incorporation; this shows the depthness and clarity of giving information. Through the report we have learnt on the significance of improving our interpersonal communication skills. Working with others In coming up with a report on Harrods holdings the staff worked together in groups to manage the companyââ¬â¢s sales portfolio. In this group every individual exhibited a high level of corporation as it is highlighted by the high volumes of sales. Working in a team combines the skills and the creativity of a diverse number of individuals in the group. Teamwork is the key to the success of every team. During our reporting on Harrod holdings we devised a te am process, roles and behaviours. In managing a team all members occupational obligations are supposed to be considered, thus, working out the time into each member busy schedules remains important in working as a group. In the meeting, determination of members strength and weaknesses assisted greatly in task allocation. We owe the success in our team to our abilities to compliment each other and distribute tasks accordingly. In the team we had cohesiveness and productivity given that our final common goal was set. Improving own learning performance More than often, individuals set out standards that are geared on improving the learning performance. As a result, the study on Harrod Holdings was able to set out standards based on key skill that we identified over time within the activities carried by employees. These skills have assisted the company in developing themselves as independent learners from within the group members especially, as the employees focused on achieving the goa l of giving an increased sales production to Harrod Holdings. This is relevant in the presence of process skills that focus on target-setting through effective planning. Later on, we focused on process skill advanced to learning of new techniques
Do you agree with Fredrik Barth that to understand the continuity and Essay
Do you agree with Fredrik Barth that to understand the continuity and constitution of ethnic groups we should focus on interaction at the boundary - Essay Example Beliefs of one ethnic group vary from another group and each group strives to preserve its culture. The members of various ethnic groups separate themselves from other groups in the world by raising boundaries around themselves. These boundaries ensure that the cultural and religious beliefs of an ethnic group stay with their group. The book Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference by Fredrik Barth focuses on the ethnic groups and the boundaries which these groups raise around themselves, in order to exclude the outsiders from assimilating in their culture. Fredrik Barth maintains that the association of the cultural differences is an essential feature of ethnic groups. In this paper, we will discuss the significance of interaction at the boundary while studying the continuity and constitution of ethnic groups. I agree with Barthââ¬â¢s claim that to understand the continuity and constitution of ethnic group it is necessary to focus on interaction at the boundary, for these are the boundaries which avert the outsiders from influencing the religious beliefs, cultural values and behavioral traits of an ethnic group. In his book Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference, Fredrik Bath discuses ethnic groups and their various features, beliefs and cultural identities. Ethnic groups are defined differently by various historians, anthropologists and scholars. The term ââ¬Å"ethnicityâ⬠had been interpreted in numerous ways. Some think that ethnicity refers to a set of religious beliefs that are followed by a group of people while others think that common behavioral traits and language is the essential aspect of an ethical group. Although it is an accepted fact that an ethnic group consists of people who share a common heritage and culture, there are differences among historians and scholars regarding the characteristics of an ethnic group. ââ¬Å"Attempts to find an objective set of criteria which might
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Course work Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Course work - Coursework Example The same actions that might be considered right in one single society may be unacceptable in another. Ethical deliberations helps to identify and try to understand any ethical obstacles. It is a personââ¬â¢s method of processing what is right or wrong in order to make a decision in order to take an action. A person will take into account their own values and beliefs, their emotions, and also ideas and principles. An individual will then undergo deliberation in which they process that information in a certain situation and even consider any other points of view. A person must use maturity and reasonable when coming to a conclusion during this process. A person must identify an ethical dilemma, consider their own emotions and beliefs, and then determine an action that the individual believes to be ethical. 2. Moral development is a way that a personââ¬â¢s morals and principles on how to treat one another and react to certain situations based on their growth. It is a process that occurs from infancy and throughout adulthood. Lawrence Kohlberg had a set of six stages to define moral development. The first two stages are under the label of preconventional morality and stage one is obedience and punishment. It is the first stage in moral development and applies to young children though some adults also may use this type of reasoning. It is at this stage that a child sees rules as something that is fixed and they follow the rules in order to avoid being punished. In stage 2, individualism and exchange, it is when a child considers their individual ideas and make a decision based on how it will benefit themselves. In the second level considered conventional morality, stage 3, interpersonal relationships refers to being a good boy or good girl. At this stage, a person wants to be nice and their actions are based on how it may affect relationships. A person is also concerned with expectations and roles of their peers. In stage 4, maintaining
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Seeking creative talents for visual design Essay
Seeking creative talents for visual design - Essay Example Aside from genuine enthusiasm to decorate oneââ¬â¢s home, I also love to travel and to immerse myself in varied forms and styles of art in diverse genres. Upon remuneration, I am realized the determination to pursue a career in fashion, interior design and visual communication which brought me to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM). A quick glimpse of what FIDM offers immediately enticed my appeal. I chose FIDM for various reasons such as the commitment for the development of creative, innovative and leadership skills in the fields of Fashion, Visual Arts, Interior Design, and Entertainment. The varied options and alternatives of creative majors to choose from give me ample leeway to determine the career paths and the degree programs to pursue. Further, the expanse of industry contacts that FIDM is affiliated with would assist in defining employment opportunities that would help in the achievement of personal and professional goals. Actually, I plan to major i n visual communications due to the diversity in career paths and more varied opportunities open for graduates. As indicated, there are eight possible career options from majoring in visual communications, to wit: fashion public relations specialist, fashion stylist, promotions and events coordinator, retail visual and merchandise coordinator, set decorator, store visual manager, visual design director and visual stylist. I envision continuing to path that I have already. Further, the expanse of industry contacts that FIDM.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Some Factors That Lead to Success in College Essay Example for Free
Some Factors That Lead to Success in College Essay What should we do to make a good impression at a job interview? Last year, my cousin, Jake, went to a bank to apply for a job. As you know, when you apply for a job, you must be ready to answer a lot of question. Some of the questions that an interviewer may ask you include: educational background, previous jobs, and salaries you earned. The problem with Jake was that he was not prepared for the questions. The interviewer asked Jake a lot of things that he could not answer. Because Jake was not prepared for the interview, he did not get the job. If you do not want to be in that situation, you may want to follow these steps. As you can see, it is necessary to be well prepared for the job interview. Having the answer ready, being properly dressed, and being on time can all help to make a good impression on the interviewer. If you follow these steps, you will soon find yourself sitting behind the desk at that coveted job. Topic:Career you choose after leaving school October 21st, 2010Leave a comment Go to comments Career you choose after leaving school What career would you like to choose after leaving school? (Teacher) Today, it is not easy to choose a career. Hundreds of students pass various examinations every year and compete with one another for positions in the various professions which are not so many as there are applicants. I would, however, like to choose teaching as my career. There are several reasons to consider teacher an interesting job. Being a teacher, we have to learn more. If we teach History or Geography, it is important to read many books to make our teaching lessons more interesting to our students. We therefore gain more knowledge of the subjects that we teach than what we can get from the text books. A large amount of text books for the subjects we teach are not likely enough to help us to become an exciting teacher. In other words, a good teacher often reads many other books which are not related to the subjects he or she is supposed to teach. The large extent of knowledge on different fields make students admire the teacher and love the subject of which he or she is in charge. A teacher has to speak well and clearly soà that students can be able to understand instructions and lectures. This would be a motivation to improve our powers of expression. Even our pronunciation of words will be much better. Moreover, a teacher has more free time to read, learn and take some examinations to acquire more qualifications. Finally, as a teacher we are respected as educated persons. Others will show their respect to teachers and have their great regard for them and opinions that teachers give. For the reasons mentioned above, being a teacher can help me to live a happy meaningful life.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Gender and Sexuality Barriers in Healthcare
Gender and Sexuality Barriers in Healthcare ââ¬Å"Vancouver School Board Introduces Gender-Neutral Pronounsâ⬠ââ¬â and many similar headlines spanned across website pages and swept newspapers stands just this past summer, surely an indication of progressive politics in action for the queer people of Vancouver. In this case, giving non-binary and gender-neutral identifying students in Vancouver a chance to use gender-neutral pronouns ââ¬â pronouns that do not make assumptions about a personââ¬â¢s gender. No longer are they stuck having their identities ignored at school: they can be recognized and respected in official records for who they are. This recent event demonstrates how the social barriers that complicate the lives of queer people are disintegrating; however to me, it begs the question: are the same barriers disintegrating within the workplace? Or are they still present and as strong as ever? The barriers in question being a situation or event in which a non-binary gender (transgender) identified indiv idual is treated differently to a non-transgender individual, or if the same discrimination applies to someone because of their sexual preferences (sexuality). It is also important to understand the definition of ââ¬Å"queerâ⬠and the false negative connotation that society associates with the word. The negativity stems from its original meaning of ââ¬Å"bizarreâ⬠, ââ¬Å"strangeâ⬠, or ââ¬Å"outlandishâ⬠; however, the word has evolved over time to now define and encompass people within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. In its essence, the evolution of the word is parallel to societiesââ¬â¢ attitudes towards queer individuals ââ¬â changing rapidly for a virtuous cause. Not only is the discrimination being experienced by queer people unethical, disrespectful, and wrong, but these barriers that Eliason et al., Brewster et al., and others have proven to exist through their research must be preventing a whole range of studies and fields of research from progressing as lawyers, scientists, doctors, and more are not hired solely based on their gender or sexuality (Eliason et al., 1365). It is also evident that many queer people will in fact leave their work place because of the discrimination, or even be fired because of higher management discovering their sexuality or gender (Eliason et al., 1365). In an effort to diminish these clearly existing barriers, the most prominent ones in the field of healthcare will be researched and discussed: What do scholars suggest are some of the key gender and sexuality barriers that exist within healthcare, and prevent others from entering healthcare in 21st century North America? Beginning with gender barriers that queer patients face inside the field itself, it is clear that physicians are less comfortable working with male-to-female (MTF) and female-to-male (FTM) transgender individuals than lesbian, bisexual, or gay (LGB) individuals, based on Eliason et al.ââ¬â¢s research in 2011. The study spanned 45% of LGBT physicians in the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association and a select number of heterosexual, non-transgender physicians in the American Medical Association (AMM). Of the male physicians in the AMM, only 65% felt comfortable working with MTF patients, and 64% felt comfortable working with FTM patients (Eliason et al., 1363). The female physicians in the AMM came in with slightly elevated numbers: 66% felt comfortable working with MTF patients, and 69% felt comfortable working with FTM patients (Eliason et al., 1363). These numbers are relatively low when compared to comfortableness levels of physicians working with LGB patients. This can generally b e expected, as society has had more time to grow accustomed to LGB individuals, and thus most physicians are more comfortable when practicing with LGB patients, with an average comfortableness rate of 92%, 93.5%, and 91.25%, respectively (Eliason et al., 1363). A physicianââ¬â¢s uncomfortableness levels with MTF and FTM patients can be related to unacceptable behaviour such as denying of patient referrals and accusation of ââ¬Å"unethical behaviourâ⬠(Eliason et al., 1365). Non-conventional gender and transgender ideals ââ¬Å"[â⬠¦] challenge prevailing social conventions regarding the expression of gender [â⬠¦]â⬠, according to Brewster et al., who quoted Fassinger and Arsenau in their 2007 study, and are very new to not only the healthcare workplace, but society in general (61). However, according to Eliason et al., queer discomfort with patients stems from not only general unease due to differing societal norms, but the lack of LGBT education within medical s chools across the United States. Their study finds that some students are only exposed to as little as one hour of transgender health studies across their whole time spent at medical school. Of which, 56% of the students described the little time they had as ââ¬Å"unhelpfulâ⬠, whereas 76% of the students said that their own ââ¬Å"personal experience working with LGBT patientsâ⬠was very helpful (Eliason et al., 1362). Based on this research, these personal experiences should be cultivated in medical school in order to prepare students for facing real life experiences with LGBT patients when they proceed to become a physician. Even after stepping out of the healthcare work environment and looking at entrance to the field of healthcare as an LGB individual, it is apparent that sexuality barriers of entry to healthcare exist during even the earliest stages of education. 15% of students in Merchantââ¬â¢s, Jongcoââ¬â¢s, and Artemioââ¬â¢s study were found not to disclose their sexuality during admission interviews to medical school because they felt that they would not be admitted if they did (786). Another 17% of students did not disclose their sexuality because they felt uncomfortable in the interview environment (Merchant, Jongco, Artemio, 786). Based on this evidence, one can extrapolate that a medical school which openly advertises LGBT support and education would essentially disintegrate these problems of interview admission, and also help bridge the apparent ââ¬Å"not at all comfortableâ⬠gap between physicians and LGBT patients (Eliason et al., 1363). In the bigger picture, a studentâ⬠â¢s sexuality is of no concern to any admission advisor of any school; students are not admitted, or should have their admission affected by their sexuality or gender identification. Additionally, from an objective point of view, if a medical school were to publicly advertise their openness and accepting nature of LGBT students, they would have more students apply and thus gain popularity, as LGBT students will seek out education in environments in which they are accepted and respected. This is evident in Merchantââ¬â¢s, Jongcoââ¬â¢s, and Artemioââ¬â¢s study, which displays a drastic increase in the number of students willing to disclose their sexuality when applying for university residence, as they are aware of the university in questionââ¬â¢s advertised ââ¬Å"affirming environmentâ⬠, and that there is no consequence for admitting so (787). Even after graduating medical school, LGBT physicianââ¬â¢s work environments do not seem to improve in any notable fashion. Common experiences amongst colleagues in the workplace consist of 65% of LGBT individuals recall hearing ââ¬Å"disparaging remarksâ⬠, 22% feeling ââ¬Å"socially ostracizedâ⬠, and 15% being harassed by their fellow coworkers (Eliason et al., 1365). General psychology agrees that this discrimination is mostly due to the simple human nature of pushing away things that do not fit the sociological norm. Conversely, Brewster et al. present an alternative view on the source of workplace discomfort with LGBT individuals; describing the workplace relationships as being built from ââ¬Å"lower job satisfaction and higher anxietyâ⬠, using Lyons et al.ââ¬â¢s, Smith Ingramââ¬â¢s, and Waldoââ¬â¢s research to prove their point (61). Although almost all researchers agree that the negativity towards LGBT patients, LGBT physicians in the workplace, and LGBT students is decreasing, there is a common consensus among gender and sexuality researchers that it is difficult to measure the rate of change in negativity (Burke, White, 61; Eliason et al., 1366). The difficulty arises from having simply too small of a sample size for conducting research at regular intervals of time. Burke and White argue that LGB individuals comprise of roughly 3% of the population (a very ââ¬Å"conservative estimateâ⬠), and that if these proportions apply to the healthcare field, there would only be 20,000 LGB physicians across the country (61). And of course, not all of these physicians would be willing to participate in a study. This limits a research essay to only having a select few studies available for analysis. Another limitation that exists within queer research is the fact that gender-variant and differing sexualities are very new, and thus have had less time to be observed and addressed. However, as society becomes more accepting over the course of time in the workplace, the barriers of gender and sexuality to healthcare should shatter to give rise to acceptance, and research will hopefully not be in need at all. Works Cited Eliason, Michele J., Suzanne L. Dibble, and Patricia A. Robertson. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Physicians Experiences in the Workplace. Journal of Homosexuality 58.10 (2011): 1355-371. LGBT Life with Full Text. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Brewster, Melanie E., Velez Brandon, DeBlaere Cirleen, and Moradi Bonnie. Transgender Individuals Workplace Experiences: The Applicability of Sexual Minority Measures and Models. Journal of Counseling Pyschology 59 (2012): 60-70. PsycARTICLES. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Burke, Brian. P., White, Jocelyn C. The Well-being of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Physicians. Western Journal of Medicine 174.1 (2001): 59-62. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Merchant, Roland C., Artemio M. Jongco, and Luke Woodward. Disclosure of Sexual Orientation by Medical Students and Residency Applicants. Academic Medicine 80.8 (2005): 786. PsycINFO. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.
Comparing Measurements of the Speed of Sound
Comparing Measurements of the Speed of Sound Finding the Speed of Sound! Group Members: Jesse Jackson, Arian Harrison Abstract: To begin as stated online The speed of sound, or of acoustic traveling waves, is a physical constant for any given medium at a specific pressure and temperature( The speed of sound, or of acoustic traveling waves, is a physical constant for any given medium at a specific pressure and temperature. The experiment that was completed uses two methods in order to find the speed of sound. This speed of sound will be compared and contrasted to an accepted value that has been scientifically proven to be correct given the perfect conditions. Our two method results will be compared together in order to see which is closest to the accepted value. The first method being produced is a basic formula which uses basic knowledge in order for it to work. The second methods uses the frequency of the fork which was in this case is 512Hz and the soundwaves found in the formula. They are then multiplied together in order to find the current speed of sound. From the experiments and information given it is shown that the first method gives the more accurate result which is 350.2 m/s +/- 3.28 compared to 352.002 m/s +/- 2.27. This just proves that the first method is the most accurate when comparing to the accepted value of 340.29 m/s. Aim: To compare two measurements of the speed of sound to one accepted value. This will show which method is more accurate. Introduction: The experiment conducted used two methods in order to be able to measure the speed of sound. Both methods will be analysed and compared to an accepted value when measured at different temperatures. At -1 degrees Celsius the speed of sound is 330.4 m/s whereas at 21 degrees Celsius the speed of sound is 343.6 m/s. To begin, the first method of finding the speed employs a short simple formula based on known knowledge of the variables around you. At 0 degrees Celsius the speed of sound is 331m/s and for every degree change over 0, there will be an increase of speed by 0.6m/s. By being able to use this knowledge and the variables found in the lab during the experiment we can then substitute into the equation: V=331+0.6T. After that the second method will be used and be compared to the first one. This method is a test of resonance vibrations. This test involves finding the height in which PVC pipe creates the loudest noise of resonance when a 512Hz tuning fork is vibrating over it. By adjusting the length of the PVC pipe exposed to the water, we can measure the distance when the fork and pipe are vibrating at the exact same frequency. Once the loudest resonance is found and has been measured, based on that length from the surface of the water to the top of the pipe, the wave length can be measured with ÃŽà »=4(l+0.4d). Based on this information, the next method utilizes the wavelength equation and answer and also the tuning fork frequency which is 512Hz. This information can be converted into the second equation of V=fÃŽà ». Method: The cylinder was filled with water. The PVC pipe was then lowered all the way into the water until there was a 1cm gap from the top of the water to the top of the cylinder. My partner then struck the tuning fork and held it over the pipe as it was vibrating. The pipe was slowly pulled out of the cylinder as we listened for the position with the loudest noise. After finding the correct position the distance from the top of the tube to the surface of the water was recorded. Part A Measure the air temperature of the room. Calculate the speed of sound by using the formula V=331+0.6T. Calculate appropriate uncertainties for final answer. Part B Place PVC pipe into measuring cylinder. Connected boss head and clamp to retort stand. Positioned retort stand next to cylinder. Fill cylinder until there is a 1cm gap between the top of the cylinder and water. Hit the forks and place over the PVC pipe. Lift PVC pipe up gradually until you find the first sound. Stop, clamp it and record as accurately as possible Part C Determine the speed of sound using: ÃŽà » = 4(L + 0.4d), where ÃŽà » = wavelength, L = closed tube length, and d = diameter of the tube. V=331+0.6T V=fÃŽà » Risk Assessment: Equipment Needed: Hazard Details: Hazard Management Measures: 1 Litre Measuring Cylinder Falling/Breaking/Shattering Be Careful 40mm Diameter PVC pipe Falling Be Careful Tuning Forks (512Hz) Be Careful Metre Ruler Splinters Be Careful Vernier Callipers Be Careful Thermometer Breaking/Falling/Shattering Be Careful Clamp, Retort Stand Clamping Fingers Be Careful Results: 156mm +/- 0.5mm11. 156mm +/- 0.5mm 145mm +/- 0.5mm12. 156mm +/- 0.5mm 146mm +/-0.5mm13. 154mm +/- 0.5mm 158mm +/-0.5mm14. 152mm +/- 0.5mm 152mm +/- 0.5mm15. 154mm +/- 0.5mm 150mm +/- 0.5mm16. 155mm +/- 0.5mm 157mm +/- 0.5mm17. 154mm +/- 0.5mm 152mm +/- 0.5mm18. 154mm +/- 0.5mm 155mm +/- 0.5mm19. 155mm +/- 0.5mm 155mm +/- 0.5mm20 156mm +/- 0.5mm 1st Method for finding the speed of sound: V=331 + 0.6T0.5/32 x 100 = 1.5625% V=331 + 0.6 x 32 1.5625% x 0.6 = 0.9375% V=350.2m/s +/- 3.28 The speed of sound from this equation is 350.2 m/s +/- 3.28 when the temperature is 32 degrees Celsius. V=331 + 0.6T0.5/30 x 100 = 1.67% V=331 + 0.6 x 301.67% x 0.6 = 1% V=349 +/- 3.49 349 x 1% = 3.49 For the second day, the temperature was 30 degrees Celsius so it made the speed of sound 349m/s +/- 3.49 2nd Method for finding the speed of sound: ÃŽà »= 4(l+0.4d) ÃŽà »= 4(155 +/- 0.5 + 0.4 x (42.19 +/- 0.005)) ÃŽà »= 4(155 +/- 0.5 = 16.876 +/- 0.002) ÃŽà »= 4(155 +/- 0.32% + 16.876 +/- 0.01% ÃŽà »= 4(171.876 +/- 0.33% ÃŽà »= 687.504 +/- 2.27 687 +/- is the wavelength that was found V = f ÃŽà » V = 512 x 687.504 V = 352.002 m/s +/- 2.27 The speed of sound that was found here is 352.002 m/s +/- 2.27 Discussion: The outcome of the experiment supports my hypothesis which states that the first method is the closest result to the accepted value of speed. The results from the experiment were affected by errors and or limitations that occurred throughout the whole procedure. Human error can affect dramatically due to the fact that eye sight is not as effective as a technological reading. There are limitations to using eye site. Next humidity must be taken into account; in humid conditions water molecules are more frequent, where as in comparison to gas is travels a lot slower because the molecules are a lot less frequent. Hence why, if there is more water molecules within the air then the sound waves will travel faster because there would be a lot more water molecules present. This consequently results in a non-exact answer as the humidity is not measured on the temperature thermometer. All of the methods could off had many predicaments as well. For one the tuning forks themselves may have been s lightly off. The 512Hz fork used may not off been 512Hz due to age and wearing. Frequency is the number of times that an event occurs per unit of time. For sound the frequency is often measured by Hertz which is abbreviated to Hz. Its measured from the top of one wave to the bottom of another, per second. Humans can generally only hear from 20Hz up to 20000Hz, while dogs can hear up to 60000Hz and as low as 1Hz. Overall mishearing of the sound could have been a very big setback, this in turn goes with the possibility of false measuring, in the fact that when measuring the distance where resonance occurred the student holding the pipe would constantly move by half a centimetre or so. This means an accurate result wasnt measured and that this would further the errors in the investigation. The final result of the second method was backed up by multiple errors that occurred making the second method the less accurate of the two. There are numerous ways in order for this experiment to be more successful and to minimize errors/failures. As said before instead of having a student move the pipe up and down until resonance was heard, take advantage of retort stands and of course clamps. This would lower the possibility of error when measuring, instead of being out by half a centimetre it may be out by a few millimetres. Tuning forks may not be succinct and should undergo a pre-test to ensure that they are resonating at 512Hz because of its age and wear. This would create more accurate results as you would be finding the correct resonant soundwaves. If these mistakes were not made the errors would be less, and the experiment would have been more successful. Due to mistakes the speed of sound was not the same as the excepted value which is 340.29 m/s at sea level and at 20 degrees Celsius. Theoretically method 2 should have been the more accurate but because of mass errors it was not. The big deciding factor that was found is that humidity isnt taken into account with met hod 2, so no matter how hot, dry, rainy or sunny the weather was, it wasnt affected at all. If all errors stated above, and the temperature and humidity were accounted for then both methods should have been either very close or exact to the accepted value of 340.29 m/s. The speed of sound within water is 1484m/s. This is nearly 4 times the speed of sound in the air. This is why animals such as dolphins and whales can communicate over such long distances. Humans can only communicate at a quarter of the distance that those animals can. à à à Conclusion: To conclude the EI for investigating the speed of sound, it was stated that the first method would be more accurate, and this hypothesis was correct. This was supported by the results as the speed of sound at 32 degrees Celsius was dramatically more accurate than its counterpart, measuring in at 352 m/s instead of 350 m/s. This dramatic change occurred due to the fact that there is a lot more room for error in the second method. Unlike the first second method, the temperature affected the second method dramatically
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Personality Disorders Essay examples -- Papers
Personality Disorders Personality disorders indicate the presence of chronic rigid and maladjusted personality traits, through which the person's interpersonal or professional functioning is negatively affected, or which lead to personal unhappiness and problems (Louw, 1990). Discuss this statement from a biopsychosocial frame of reference and refer to one personality disorder in any cluster to illustrate your answer. The Biopsychosocial model: ========================== The biopsychosocial model (Engel, 1980, cited in Paris, 1993) suggests an integrated approach that understands psychopathology in terms of multiple causes, none of which is sufficient on its own for the development of the disorder. These factors could include biological vulnerability, the psychological impacts of life experiences and the influence of the social environment all of which may factor as risk variables or protective variables. The biopsychosocial model differs from more linear cause and effect approaches such as heredity in that it is only the cumulative interactive effects of the multiple variables can produce the overt disorder. Personality disorders ===================== Personality disorders are characterised by inflexible and longstanding maladaptive personality traits that cause significant impairment and subjective distress for the individual. The signs of a personality disorder display in adolescence or early adulthood. Individuals differ to the extent that they possess Personality traits and it may be difficult to decide whether the trait exists to an extent that can be considered pathol... ...tice, 10, (2), 161-165. Hayes, S. J. (2002, Mar) Acceptance, mindfulness and science. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 9, (1), 101-106. Klein, M.H. (1993, Spring). Issues in the assesment of personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders. Supplement 1, 18-33. Morey, L.C. (1993, Spring). Psychological correlates of personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, Supplement 1, 149-166. Paris, J. (1993). Personality disorders: A biopsychosocial model. Journal of Personality Disorders, 7(3), 255-264. Sue, D., Sue, D, W. & Sue, S. (2000). Understanding abnormal behaviour. (6th ed). USA: Houghton Mifflin Vincent, K.R. (1990). The relationship between personality disorders, normality and healthy personality: Personality on a continuum. Social Behavior and Personality, 18(2), 245-250.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Essay --
ââ¬Å"Learning is a treasure which accompanies its owner everywhereâ⬠. I have always kept in mind this Chinese adage that emphasizes the very importance and advantage of learning. Learning, the very step of success as well as failure has given me enough experience and strength to access challenges as they come. In this technological age, everythingââ¬â¢s changes rapidly. We need to constantly streamline and upgrade our tools and resources in order to make our worked worth living in. A deep fascination for technology coupled with a love for learning and exploring have inspired me to pursue and excel in graduate studies. It has been a blessing to have parents who have instilled in me good values and principles and also who gave me the freedom to choose whatever fields I want to excel in. The desire to learn how things work and my natural inclination towards Mathematics and Physics, gave me the impetus to become an engineer. That fascination towards science and technology helped me to excel in the entrance examination and thus ensured myself an admission in VIF College of Engineering and Technology, which is affiliated to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. I have always given more importance to gaining knowledge rather than gaining marks. Engineering is one field where practical know-how is more important than acquiring a degree for name sake. Thus my true ability stands above my marks and marks are not a reflection of my potential in Electronics and Communication. I have always cherished all my dreams and at the same time decided definite paths to follow in order to realize them. In my undergraduate studies, I have benefited from the breadth of Jawaharlal Nehruââ¬â¢s Universityââ¬â¢s syllabi content that has given me a comprehe... ...nues in my chosen field and create excellent opportunities to prove my mettle. I am confident that, the facilities, guidance and inspiration your University provides combined with the excellent faculty and research opportunities makes it the ideal place for me to embark upon my graduate studies. I can assure you that, in me you will find a responsible, committed and talented student, who will bring laurels to her alma mater. In firmly believing that the essence of a University education lies in the synergetic relationship between the student and the department, I feel that graduate study at your University will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my career objectives. It is with this in mind, that I look forward to a long and rewarding relationship with your University as a graduate student with financial support.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
My Eating Disorder - I Had a Problem with Food Essay example -- Person
My Eating Disorder - I Had a Problem with Food Everyone wanted to see me get fat, I was sure of it. For once in my life I had some semblance of control over my body in a way no else did. Managing my body took discipline and I was not going to have anyone interfere. I sat crouched in the small space between my parentsââ¬â¢ bathtub and toilet, the cool white ceramic tiles reflecting the blonde of my hair, the tears that somehow managed to eke out of the eye ducts were streaming down my hot, mucus slathered face. In the corner behind the toilet, the dog hair swirled in little eddies, and the rim of the toilet had faint speckles of urine, unnoticeable to anyone not at eye level. The shower was on and the fan running as a distraction. Every once in awhile I would knock a bar of soap into the tub with a heavy thud or set a bottle down hard enough so that anyone listening at the door would be fooled and actually think I was in the shower. I used to vomit in the shower, pushing the chunks of food and bright colored foamy mucus down th e drain, but one night, in my hurry to clean up, I had not been able to push a slice of pickle down the drain grates and my mother found it. Pickles, raw vegetables, and spaghetti were the hardest foods to fit down the drain. As I basked in the hazy afterglow of my purge I tasted the blood, sweet and thick as it trickled down my throat and knuckles. Lately there had been more blood and my knuckles were forming bright red raised scaly patches, scarring over in thick nubs from the constant scraping against my teeth. After a meal or a drink I would wait ten agonizing minutes until I could leave the table and say I was taking a bath. Locking myself in the bathroom I would run the water, hover over the toilet... ...awed its way into my mind. For every plea food made to be eaten, and every moment my emaciated belly begged to absorb it there was an even louder voice in me that told me to deny it. There was a constant battle raging; food and my physical body on one side, my brain on the other side, telling me I was weak, fat, and a slob. The fear of food was only one small link to my anorexia. Although other emotional issues catalyzed my anorexia, starvation simply a manifestation of my deeper psychological problems, the fear and anxiety I felt around food was the most accessible avenue to understanding and explaining my condition. To admit my fear of food was not only a starting point from which to begin recovery, but it was also a point of personal acceptance, finally admitting to myself that I had become a prisoner in my own body, cowering from the voices screaming in my mind.
Entrepreneurship Essay
Founder Of The Company The company was called KYK Automotive Inc. , and was started by Peter Yadav, the sole owner of the business. The business was started up as a partnership back in March of 1993, with the three partners being Peter Yadav, Ramesh Kapil, and Sam Kapil. They thought of the name KYK with the initials of all three last names. All three were previously working as car mechanics, with the two brothers, Ramesh and Sam working at one place, and Peter was working at a Petro Canada station, all in downtown Toronto. The three have known each other since they were all enrolled in the army together back in their homeland of India, and remained close friends ever since. Upon coming to Canada, they each found separate jobs as car mechanics, and helped out one another in finding better positions or better paying jobs. Once they were all settled down, they would always get together on the weekends and discuss about further opportunities that they could go into. Their initial thoughts were to open up a mechanic shop, with them three being the mechanics. It was through these small talks that the idea of opening up an Auto Parts retail store came about The Idea The three friends would always meet up on the weekends to relax and discuss about further opportunities for the future that would lead them to better profits and greater success. They thought hard about opening up a mechanic shop and having them three being the only mechanics their, which almost passed through. They had found a spot and were getting their capital together when one day, Peter suggested that he would be interested in something else. He wanted to go a step ahead and he had always noticed that the people who delivered the parts were always so busy, and had pretty much a work overload, where they were denying new clients because they just couldnââ¬â¢t handle all the workload. The mechanic shop would have been the easier route for the three, but they loved challenges and wanted to try something new as well, something a little less physically demanding, and something that would require them to use their brains a little more. When Peter suggested the idea, the other two were a bit hesitant because it was something they werenââ¬â¢t familiar with, and the idea of putting all their money into something that wasnââ¬â¢t 100% clear to them sounded a bit risky. Peter suggested though that they did know all the basics of the business since they were mechanics themselves, and that all they really needed to do was to learn about the software to look up different parts that mechanic shops needed, and that they would slowly start up and learn the rest of the business as they move along. He persuaded them on the fact that the business had a lot of demand and very few suppliers and since they already have three experienced people in the trade, they could start up the business right away. An advantage that these three had was the ability to troubleshoot as well for their customers, for instance, if the mechanic had trouble identifying what could be wrong with a customerââ¬â¢s car or what the part is called that he/she required, these three with their background and knowledge of the industry, could assist them in finding the exact part. The auto parts stores at that present time were unable to do this which was thought to be an excellent addition to their possible new venture, and would make their company stand out. With all these factors into play, they started to dig deeper into it and came up with an excellent choice and business decision when they decided the location. The Location During the time that they were all deciding on a location, and since they were all newlyweds and had family coming from their homelands, they needed to move out of the city and to a location in the suburbs, which was something they had decided before thinking of the new business. After months of searching for the best location that would bring in the most business, they found a location in the Mississauga/Brampton area, where there was a shortage of parts stores but an overload of mechanic shops. This would be their best opportunity to get in on the profits of the auto parts industry. The major breakthrough for them in particular was that in that time, there were many immigrants coming from their homeland of India, and a majority of them had settled down in the Mississauga/Brampton area, and a majority of them were mechanics and had opened up businesses in that area. This was a large part in the deciding factor of locations because what they had realized was that these mechanics were ordering from shops that barely understood what they were talking about, and half their parts would be delivered wrong with no fault of their own or the parts store, it just a communication problem. With Peter and the two brothers opening their shop near here, they could easily take all of this business away from other parts stores for the simple fact that they all speak the same language, are from the same place back home, and their would be no communication problems for either of them. This would save time for the mechanics because the amount of incorrect parts they receive would decrease and in turn, would increase profits for the new business. The location ended up being 1767 Drew Road, which is in an industrial area in Mississauga, and was close to many mechanic shops within a 5km radius. Day-To-Day Operations They had opened the store on March 1, 1993, with just the three of the partners working there. They had Peter as a counterperson, who would be answering calls and providing prices to customers, billing the customers and locating the parts. They had Ramesh delivering the parts to all the customers and marketing their business as he was on the road, kind of like a salesman. Then they had Sam helping out at the store, with all the walk in customers they had, along with order picking the parts for the different garages as Peter needed some help as well. The business started off with a boom right from the get go, and within a couple of months, they had realized that they would require more employees to be able to keep up with all the demand, and to keep their customers happy. They had learned that the number one factor in deciding auto parts suppliers to deal with for mechanic shops was speed and accuracy of parts, and that the price of the parts was after that. By knowing this, they had brought in two new delivery drivers so that they could get the parts out quicker to their customers, and that if they had new customers, they would be able to handle the additional workload. They now had all three of the partners handling the business at the store, and if need be, Ramesh would do some deliveries during the peak hours. Peter was doing most of the work inside the shop however, for example, he would be the one to answer most of the calls, he would be ordering most of the parts from various locations, and he would be stocking and picking parts as well. This didnââ¬â¢t sit too well with the other two partners and this is where the partnership would breakdown. The End of The Partnership As Peter started handling most of the business and the other two were being treated as employees rather than partners, they felt the urge to let their feelings be known since they all had an equal say in the company. After a few discussions, the two brothers decided that they did not want to be part of this business anymore, and wanted out. They did not leave on a sour note however, and waited until Peter could find employees to replace them, and after a couple of months, the other two partners had left the partnership and moved onto another venture. Peter now had sole ownership of the business from December, 1994. He had with him 2 delivery drivers, and one person assisting him inside the shop, answering calls and helping pick orders and stock shelves. Business was still going great for him, but he had to narrow his customers down to locations within a 5km radius because he didnââ¬â¢t want to expand anymore, and his main clients were within that area so his business wouldnââ¬â¢t suffer regardless. Business After The Partnership Peter continued to run the business successfully, and kept all of his customers happy. He made one significant change to the business which was to stop all sales to the general public. He realized that he was losing some trust in his mechanic shops because they were losing out on some profits. The way the business worked was for example, Peter would supply shop X with a part at a cost of $15. The shop would then charge the customer $30 for that part, and an additional rate for installation. Now when Peter would sell directly to the public for $15, the shops were losing out on the additional profit and when they realized Peter was selling it to them and taking away from their business, they felt betrayed and did not want to deal with Peter anymore. After a few complaints, Peter realized that the best business decision would be to keep the mechanic shops happy because they were his main repeat customers, not the occasional walk-in customers. This also gave him some more free time to handle other business operations so it worked out even better for him. After a couple of years, he decided he wanted to add something to the business. He realized that he had been receiving many calls about tires, especially throughout the winter months. He met up with a local tire shop that had bought few parts from him and struck a deal for some winter tires. He would certain things like this for seasonal parts and make up a small flyer to show his customers what he was adding to his inventory at different times and they would sell off very quickly. The End of The Business The business had been running extremely well up until 2006, where the profit levels were decreasing, not by a huge amount but a noticeable amount, due to all the competition now in the area. When the business started, there was only one other parts store in the 5km radius, and in 2006, there were 6, which easily explains why profit levels were decreasing. All the shops had their own suppliers, and there were price wars going on with all the auto parts stores. Peter stood firm on his stance that he would not participate in these price wars, and the price he had was the price you would get the part for. The business kept going with a decent profit up until 2008, and then he decided that it was not worth staying in business as the amount of stores opening up was still increasing, and the price for parts was decreasing. In November 2008, he decided to close the shop. New Opportunitiesà Peter had thought about retiring and took some time off from work, but after only a couple of months off, he had started on getting back into the parts business. He found an existing business for sale back in downtown, Toronto. The building is attached to a car body shop, which is coincidentally owned by Sam Kapil, his former partner from KYK. He has been going in to the parts store, which is called Khapco, and seeing how the business is doing and if he would be interested in it, and so far he hasnââ¬â¢t decided on anything, but he tells me heââ¬â¢s not done working yet.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate And Oil Price
twain U.S. Dollar substitution set up and the anele m mavintary assess ar best variables which coerce the patterned ad vanguardce of the population economic system. Fluctuations in these variables deeply usurp international plenty and economic activities in tout ensemble the provinces. De margeination of the connectedness among these cardinal variables is one of the critical issues, whether they be correlated or non. Is at that inject any experiential res publicas on the nexus amongst the variables?In this literature, I initiate by appraising every(prenominal) supposititious ground that could clarify the kind among U.S. Dollar deputise browse and vegetable embrocate color pecuniary fosters. To get conquer with, as embrocate mo finalary abide by and embrocate trade is denominated in joined State s Dollars, motions in the levelheaded stand in set of U.S. Dollar regard the pecuniary put of crude as alleged by all states outdoor(a) United Stat es. Therefore, fluctuation in the buck turn commit scum bag call gloomy alterations in imply and gene count of inunct color, which subject alterations in the petroleum pecuniary esteem. Second, the opposer tendency can anyway be raise, i.e. , fossil anele financial honour fluctuation trigger alterations in powerful modify ordain. The ground can be found in the literatures on the reasoned turn evaluate. In the theory-based bill proposed by Farquee ( 1995 ) , if a state stocks international assets, its useful exchange charge per unit appreciates and this motion occurs without impede its current history balances. This is referable to the ground that capital income absorbs the loss in trade crudes induced by the deterio enjoind fight. Change in anele pecuniary harbor affects all the universe instabilities and this induced alteration in international assets may hold an stupor on potent exchange targets of polar states of the universe. Last only non the least, I take aggregation of distinct portfolio notional accounts, about significantly the 1s by Golub ( 1983 ) and Krugman ( 1983a ) which be developed to account for trade and financial interactions much(prenominal) as assistance and grants mingled with United States, crude manufacturer states and the rest limit of the universe particularly Europe.The comprehensive report of theoretical and empirical interactions mingled with the dickens cardinal variables opens the manner for every doable nexus mingled with the 2 variables each ostracize, corroborative and in both waies of condition. If in that location ar virtually theoretical thou for every executable nexus, so one has to be stronger than others. Therefore, the inquiry is to unknot the alter theoretical account by set about to the informations.I hence, conduct an empirical persuasion of the kind amongst long horse bill actual rough-and-ready exchange prize and the oil fiscal economi c re regard ass over the breaker point straddling from 2007 to till day of the month. Prime central point is on the long condition birth between these devil springy variables. Among the possible account reviewed, the one affecting the equilibrium exchange rate is the soap account which fit the found congenatorship. The possible continuance of a long-run relationship between the one horse bill effectual exchange rate and oil financial think of assume source between these variables. former surveies salute a causality personal manner from oil pecuniary levers to the U.S. sawbuck ( Amano and van Norden, 1995 among others ) . However, at that place ar somewhat statements which justify opposite way of causality i.e. , from U.S vaulting horse sign bill to the oil monetary range. In this literature, I study the two types of causality and seek to pecker the resulting of the relationship which determines the tendency of motion.The effectual horse exchange rate h as significant regard on the necessary and supply of oil since it had influence on the monetary appraise of oil. The disparagement in the vaulting horse reduces the monetary value of oil in the local markets of the states holding their several(prenominal) currencies under drifting exchange rate want Japan or Euro Zone. The states which guide pegged their up-to-dateness with the dollar have neutral affect such as China. Generally, a little(prenominal)ening in the dollar exchange rate reduces the oil monetary value in the local markets of the consumer states. The lessening in monetary value of oil eventually adds the requisite for oil monetary value. This can be stated that dollar dispraise has corroboratory blow on pauperization for oil and this growth read contributes towards the switch off in the monetary value of the oil. inunct companies use local currencies of manufacturer currencies to feed the monetary liabilities and current fiscal duties such as rewards, revenue enhancements and other runing cost. These currencies are frequently linked or pegged to the dollar payable to the fact that they fall in fixed-exchange rate governments adopted by most manufacturer states ( Frankel, 2003 ) . The alterations in monetary value of oil due to the alteration in the dollar exchange rate is less as estimated by the manufacturer states than estimated by the regarder or consumer states. Necessary boring activities are linked straight to the oil monetary value. When oil monetary value humanitarian, oil production in any case addition by the manufacturer states to gain extra net incomes. This fact has been proved by different empirical surveies in states like northwestward the States, Latin American and Middle East. save this fact has non been proved true for African and European states. It is of result to that the relationship between boring activities and oil monetary value in dollars has well changed since 1999. But it is backbreaking to au thorize that whether this alteration occur due to the debut of Euro currency in 1999 or due to the decrease in oil monetary value in 1998.disparagement in the dollar monetary value novices rising prices ensuing decrease in the income of oil manufacturer states, the currencies which are pegged to the dollar. whole the states are non moved(p) in the put forward manner, states which mostly import from USA like OPEC is less affected than states than states which imports from Europe or Asia. Overall, depreciation in the dollar monetary value may cut down the supply of oil.On the nearsighted outpouring, supply is less or decrepit elasticised to the monetary value in upward(a) and down way. The upward weak tractability is due to the production restraint and the downward flexibleness is weak due to truly little fringy cost. Demand is as well inelastic in the pitiful tally due to the deficiency of replacements available in the of a sudden tally ( Carnot and Hagege, 2004 ) . In sho rt, demand and supply of oil in short is about inelastic in the short tally. Noticeable alterations in the supply and demand are chiefly discernible on the long term period. At this level supply is more(prenominal) elastic due to the capableness of new investing and demand is more elastic due to the approachability of close replacements.By and large, a dollar effectual exchange rate depreciation cause an addition in the demand and supply of the oil significantly only when in the long tally, which tends to increase oil monetary value. The early old ages of 2000 s period are an first-class representative of this appliance. Hagege and Carnot ( 2004 ) underlined that the addition in oil monetary determine stems from two coincident factors on the one manus, incorrect appraisal of cessation demand for oil from United States and China. On the other manus, decreasing investing in the oil sector causes stagnancy in the capacity sweetening of oil supply. If this mechanism of demand a nd supply can rightly explicate the state of affairs of 2000s so this mechanism is unable to account for the relationship found in different empirical surveies.There are several groundss and grounds to believe that oil monetary value could impact dollar effectual exchange rate. Most frequent account of this impact that oil bring forthing states prefer fiscal investing in dollars ( Amano & A van Norden, 1993 & A 1995 ) . This nonplus, explains that a haste in the oil monetary value bash the wealth of the oil manufacturer states which in bend addition the demand for dollar. some other account of this impact of oil monetary value on exchange rate can be found in the theoretical accounts such as Farguee ( 1995 ) and BEER theoretical account proposed by McDonald and Clark ( 1998 ) . In this attack, two independent variables are often utilize for explicating the exchange rate i.e. , net foreign investing and the footings of trade. A speedy initial concluding leads to a negative rel ation between oil monetary value and the dollar exchange rate. Addition in oil monetary value should deteriorate the United States footings of trade which consequences in the dollar monetary value depreciation. A more comprehensive account would let explicating the positive relationship normally found in the literature by taking in history the comparative consequence on the United States compared to its trade spouses. If United States is an of import oil importer, an oil monetary value addition can deteriorate its state of affairs, nevertheless, if US import less than some other states like Japan or Euro zone, its place may good break in compared to the other states. In this state of affairs, addition in the oil monetary value would take to the grasp in the dollar monetary value comparatively to the craving and the euro, finally it leads to grasp in effectual footings in dollar.In an attack proposed by Krugman ( 1983a ) uses a vivacious symmetricalness of model to pattern how manu facturer states use the gross of their oil exports in dollars. Change in demand for dollar result impact the dollar exchange rate. The proposed theoretical account can be expressed mathematically asTen = CYWhere Ten = oil color monetary value denominated in dollarY = Effective exchange rate of dollarC = correlational statistics Co-efficientThis theoretical accounts help to find the correlation coefficient between the oil monetary value and the effectual dollar exchange rate, either it is positive, negative or impersonal. This theoretical account besides explains the short term and long term impact of oil monetary value on the effectual exchange rate of the dollar and frailty versa.This empirical mint use periodical informations of oil monetary value denominated in the U.S dollar. Oil monetary determine are expressed in existent footings and the exchange rate of dollar is effectual exchange rate. This survey tests the theory at 5 % degree of significance. scheme to be tried a nd true is as followsHo = There is a no coefficient of correlation between the oil monetary value and effectual exchange rate of dollarH1 = There is a correlativity between the two variables.Ho = There is a negative correlativity between the two variablesH1 = There is positive correlativity between the oil monetary value and effectual exchange rateAbove theory are tested by Spearman rank correlativity utilizing SPSS, renowned statistical package. information for this variable is collected finished different beginnings such as Central confide of Germany, Data Stream and Economagic which maintain the monthly norm informations of oil monetary value, effectual exchange rate and international atomic number 79 monetary value. Sample size is of 42 determine from each class. Oil monetary values and capital monetary values are denominated in the US dollar. unmistakable observation of the natural information indicates the positive relation between oil monetary value and effectual dol lar exchange rate.TestingThe testing of the hypothesis is done through SPSS v.16. Econometric technique of Spearman Rank Correlation is applied as it falls in the categorization of non-parametric trial.The consequences of econometric analysis shows that in that respect is a medium positive correlativity between the oil monetary value and effectual exchange rate of dollar as co-efficient of correlativity is 0.316 which means that 1 dollar or 1 percent addition in oil monetary value will increase 0.316 % in the effectual dollar exchange rate. The oil monetary values show more variableness as compared to the exchange rate. The vivid presentation of the original information is as followsGraphic Presentation of Oil price and Exchange RateAbove in writing(p) record shows a planetary positive tendency between the two variables over the period crossing from January 2007 to October 2010. The graph besides reveals greater variableness in the oil monetary value and less in the exchange r ate. The variables are depute as OP referred to oil monetary value and ER referred to effectual exchange rate of US dollar.The tabulated consequences show that there is a somewhat negative correlativity between the oil monetary value and amber rate. If oil monetary value addition by 1 % gold monetary value will diminish by 0.05 per centum under the influence of oil monetary value. The graphical presentation of the original values of oil monetary value and gold rate are as followsThe tabulated consequences show that there is little positive correlativity between the gold rate and the oil monetary value which means that 1 % addition in the exchange rate gives 0.085 % addition in the gold rate. The graphical presentation of the original informations of gilded monetary value and the exchange rate is followsDecisionIn this literature, I have tried to happen the nexus between the US dollar effectual exchange rate and existent oil monetary values. Overall this survey focal point on merely the US dollar effectual exchange rate and existent oil monetary values but subsequently one other critical factor besides include in the theoretical account which helps to happen the corresponding dealingss between the variables. This survey shows that there is a important relation between the existent oil monetary values and the effectual exchange rate. In the short tally, consequences may be reverse but in the long tally consequences are in support of earlier surveies, which reason that there is positive relationship between the exchange rate and the effectual dollar exchange rate.The fluctuation in the oil monetary value is far more intense than the fluctuation in the oil monetary value. This phenomenon is evident through the tested results and the besides in the graphical presentation. The allowance velocity of effectual exchange rate is less than the oil monetary value. Results besides reveal that addition in the oil monetary value will increase the net foreign assets of the United States of America. The states whose currency is pegged to the US dollar will run away less with the addition in the oil monetary value and those states who falls in the floating exchange rate is affected more.The consequences besides reveals the of import fact, which is that the United States of America is relishing the benefits of low monetary value and cheapest oil based energy over the period of more than half century as oil monetary value is denominated and traded cosmopolitan in the US dollar. The addition in the oil monetary value will increase the demand for more US dollars to purchase the same quantum of oil and this increase demand will impact the exchange rate of the state with regard to the US dollar and this addition the import measure of the several consumer states and the manufacturer states will bask the benefits of more wealth.
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